Reliable sources
Assessment overview
In today’s information age, it has never been faster or easier to do research. It has also never been more important to be able to evaluate sources for credibility (Morgan, 2016).
Building a credible argument relies on sources that are current and reliable. While the internet has brought about a vast upsurge in the availability of information, what are the repercussions of blindly accepting the supposed facts we consume on daily basis? As a 21st Century learner working in a digital environment, this is an issue you will need to deal with on an almost daily basis. Understanding the pitfalls and perils of the internet, as well as the positive attributes it has to offer, will be invaluable during this unit, your course, and when you move into your chosen field. Choosing and using reliable sources (both in your academic and professional career) is an essential part of building a strong, believable argument.
Reliable sources
This assessment contributes to the following learning outcomes:
- Explore, use and evaluate information online to develop research and communications skills construct and publish knowledge in the online environment. Please note: COM10003 uses both Harvard and APA referencing style. Please use the appropriate style for your discipline. Contact your LA if you are unsure which style you should use. Assessment details Follow the steps below to complete your assessment: Consider the essay prompt below In this information age, it is more important than ever to use credible and reliable sources. Use one of these two focus points to source information to back up your argument. Keep track of where you find these, as you’ll need them to complete your reference list. The 2016 US election – alternative facts and the post-truth world. Fake news and Facebook.
2. Consider what you have learned about academic integrity and evaluating source information using Metzger’s criteria. 3. Check that you have covered all criteria (to the standard you hope to achieve). 4. Check your essay for academic integrity using Turnitin. 5. Submit your completed essay as instructed below. Additional resources The Study resources section of the Student Portal has a number of tools to help you with completing assessments, including pages to help you with:
•Essay planning and structure
•Understanding word limits
•APA style guide
•Harvard style guide Submission details Please submit your essay as a single Word document through Turnitin. More details are available in the assessment area of Blackboard.
APA Morgan, K. (2016). Why is credibility of online sources important in education? Retrieved from Shahani, A. (2016). From hate speech to fake news: The content crisis facing Mark Zuckerberg. Retrieved from
Morgan, K 2016, Why is credibility of online sources important in education?, Our everyday life, viewed 6 December 2016,
Shahani, A 2016, From hate speech to fake news: The content crisis facing Mark Zuckerberg, NPR, viewed 6 December 2016,
Sample solution
Researching on the internet can be challenging for students who are used to using the library as a source of information. This is because it can be difficult to determine the reliability of the sources found online. However, one way to identify trustworthy sources is by checking the domain name. Academic sources typically have domain names ending with .edu or .gov, indicating that the research has been conducted by educational or government research institutions. In contrast, sources with domain names ending with .com may be biased, as they can be created by anyone for any purpose.
To ensure the accuracy of information, there are several methods that can be used to validate sources. One approach is to examine the author and sponsor of the web page. It is important to identify the organization or individual responsible for the information and verify their qualifications. Bias should also be considered; for example, if the information is written by a company promoting its products or services, it may not be impartial. Furthermore, reliable sources should provide contact information that can be used to verify their reputation.
Accuracy and precision are essential qualities of academic writing. Therefore, it is crucial to use sources that have not been distorted or manipulated for personal gain. It is important to be discerning when using online sources, as anyone can create a web page and publish information without undergoing the rigorous peer review process that academic research is subject to.
In summary, students must exercise caution when conducting research on the internet. They should scrutinize the domain name, author, sponsor, and bias of the sources they use to ensure their reliability. Academic writing requires the use of accurate and unbiased information, and students must be diligent in their research to ensure they meet these standards.