Psychology: Psychological disorder Academic Essay

Psychology: Psychological disorder Academic Essay

Pick the psychological disorder that is most interesting to you. Or, one that touches someone you know. The aforementioned youtube clip has disorders in the following order but only “scratches the surface” with each: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder (Multiple Personalities), Schizophrenia (Charles is not a real person, but he is a real hallucination), Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath).

Read the portion of chapter 12 which covers the Psychological Disorder which you have chosen from the above paragraph/the assigned youtube clip. You should also take the initiative to watch more videos on that Psychological Disorder. Now, give 3 to 5 sentences on each of the following:

1) symptoms of the psychological disorder which I chose. 3 to 5 sentences

2) Causes from genetic predisposition, Biological (neurotransmitters, brain components, glands), early environmental influence, Behavioral Associations or Conditioning, Psychoanalytic inner conflicts, Humanistically not living up to one’s potential, Cognitive Distortions which is “twisting thoughts”. 3 to 5 sentences

3) How would one manage or cope with the illness? Optional: How could a family cope with the person’s disorders? 3 to 5 sentences

4) Is there a cure or treatment? 3 to 5 sentences

Psychological disorders are not isolated to just one culture, they are seen throughout the world in each culture. Each culture has a different outlook on psychological disorders which includes different ways to manage and treat these disorders. Depending on the culture the individual is part of can determine how they are included in their community, offered treatment and sometimes even diagnosed. Culture plays a role in treatment, diagnosis and integration with many psychological disorders without members of that culture being completely aware. Each culture believes that how they handle or cope with the disorder is correct and it is then up to other cultures to try to understand and respect the different beliefs. Through this paper, we will look into oppositional defiant disorder and how the symptoms are interpreted across some different cultures. This paper will also include how the disorder treated within a specific organization and how cultures can affect this treatment.

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Psychological disorder
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