Psychology Counseling Academic Essay

Joseph is a 33 year old Caucasian male referred for diagnosis and treatment due to behavioral and emotional concerns of the family members. He has a childhood history of learning disabilities and was a special education student with socialization issues and embarrassment about his learning problems.

1. Discuss the treatment approach for Joseph given his intellectual limitations and possibly having a diagnosis of a Psychotic Disorder.

2. Discuss the treatment approach for Joseph given his intellectual limitations and possibly having a diagnosis of an Impulse Control Disorder.

Bob is a 23 year old male with intellectual disability who is court referred for evaluation and treatment after being accused of sexually molesting another man in their placement. Bob was placed here due to prior sexual misconduct a few months prior. Bob is not overtly remorseful; his family is minimizing the severity of the situation. His victim’s family is considering further litigation.

1. Discuss the treatment approach for Bob given his intellectual disability and possibly having a Personality Disorder.

2. Discuss the treatment approach for Bob given his intellectual disability and possibly having a Sexual Disorder.

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