Proyecto especial de un folleto turistico
Paper details:
This must be in Spanish. Please have the writer read the entire project and create the pamphlet…thank you
Ves un cartel, cartel o anuncio, con una foto increíble de un lugar exótico que te llama la atención y de repente, en tumente, estás allí.
Escoge una de estas fotos de los sitios turísticos en Venezuela que quieres investigar más o también puedes decidirte por otro lugar de Venezuela que te interese.
? Apply in-depth knowledge of one popular Venezuelan tourist site.
? Apply knowledge of Spanish present-tense verbs, adjectives, adverbs, comparatives, and superlatives.
Un sitio turístico: los detalles del proyecto
Ya sabes que Venezuela es un terreno extenso y variado. Tiene de todo, con respecto a la naturaleza: islas, cataratas, montañas, ríos, llanos, etc.
Venezuela tiene mucho que ofrecerles a los turistas que vienen de todas partes del mundo. Ahora tú vas a crear un folletoo un cartel sobre un sitio turístico de Venezuela.
Proyecto especial de un folleto turistico
What to include in the tourist pamphlet or large poster:
• Write an introduction to the tourist site, such as its general location, how to get there, etc.
• List key features like the lodging, restaurants, etc. in the area.
• Give a general, physical description of the tourist site by using comparative and superlative statements.
• Highlight the outdoor activities available at the tourist site area. Give details, such as equipment needed, cost, etc.
• Include recommendations from people who have visited the site.
• Include photos of the tourist site area and outdoor activities.
Use of Spanish in the writing:
• Make sure that the adjectives match the nouns they modify.
• Ensure that the verb endings match their subjects.
• Make sure that the comparatives and superlatives are constructed correctly.
• Ensure that the overall communication is clear and knowledge acquired from program was clearly applied.
Te toca a ti.
It’s time for you to get started! Your teacher will give you the date that the project is due. It’s best to follow the simple steps below to work through it:
1. Begin your project. Find at least four pictures you’d like to use to represent the tourist site you’ve chosen. If you have a talent for art, you may create your own picture.
2. Jot down the comparatives and descriptions you want to use to talk about the site. Make sure you use the correct grammatical structures, and the correct forms of the adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.
3. Brainstorm: Think about the activities you would like to do if you went to this tourist site. Make a list of possible activities.
4. Choose at least four activities from your list. Write a couple of basic sentences in Spanish about them. Remember: write only the Spanish you’ve covered because you’ll be graded on your use of the language.
5. Gather your pictures and information and organize them either on note cards, in an outline, or in a graphic organizer to keep track of what you’re doing.
6. Create a rough draft of what you’re writing about in your project.
7. Reread the information. Check your grammar, punctuation, and content of your writing.
8. Decide how you want to arrange your information and photos.
9. Create your final project. Have fun!