1. Discuss bribery. Would actions such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians constitute bribery? Identify three business activities that would constitute bribery and three actions that would not. (75 Words)
  2. How can firms ensure that their code of business ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered, and acted on rather than ignored? (75 Words)
  3. Why is it important not to view the concept of “whistleblowing” as “tattling” or “ratting” on another employee? (75 Words)
  4. If you owned a small business, would you develop a code of business conduct? If yes, what variables would you include? If not, how would you ensure that your employees were following ethical business standards? (75 Words)
  5. What do you feel is the relationship between personal ethics and business ethics? Are they or should they be the same? (200 Words)

Discuss bribery. Would actions, such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians, constitute bribery?

Identify three business activities that would constitute bribery and three actions that would not. Bribery is committed when someone is offering, giving (including kickbacks), receiving (including kickbacks), or influencing a person or organization with services or products in exchange for influence related to a person’s actions. In the United States bribes are considered illegal, but in a few countries it is legal and is considered normal. I think that politicians adding earmarks in legislation and pharmaceutical salespersons giving away free drugs to physicians both constitute bribery.

Three business activities that would constitute bribery would be if a pharmaceutical company got hospitals or business to prescribe their medicines by offering them kickbacks, paying a judge to money outside a court room to drop a case, and spending a large amount of money on a government official for drinks, dinners, and entertainment. Three business activities that would not constitute bribery would be if a business gave a gift that was normal with no strings attached then it would be fine


Discuss bribery. Would actions, such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians, constitute bribery? Identify three business activities that would constitute bribery and three actions that would not.

Bribery is defined as the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.  It is a gift bestowed upon someone to influence their conduct.  Actions such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians could go either way.  I believe it would depend on what they expect from receiving these things.  Three business activities that would constitute bribery are: 1. Employer giving someone money to not report wrongdoing, 2. Politician offering an individual benefits for their vote and 3. Paying a company to do business with your company.  Three actions that would not constitute bribery are: 1. Employer giving bonuses to employees, 2. tipping at a restaurant and 3. Having a company event and providing all the food and drinks for employees.   

How can firms ensure that their code of business ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered, and acted on rather than ignored?

In order to ensure that the company’s code of ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered and acted on rather than ignored the company must conduct periodic ethics workshops to sensitize people to workplace circumstances in which ethics issues may arise.  If employees see examples of what type of punishments they will incur by violating the code as well as the rewards that could be given for upholding the code this will enforce the importance of a firm’s code of ethics.   

If you owned a small business, would you develop a code of business conduct? If yes, what variables would you include? If not, how would you ensure that your employees were following ethical business standards?

If I owned a small business I would develop a code of business conduct.  I would include a section on ethical principles which would cover workplace behavior.  I would also include a section on accountability so they know that it’s required that everyone take responsibility for their own actions.  It would address the standard of conduct to cover complying with the job description, commitment to the organization and proper computer, internet and email usage.  The standard of practice to cover current policies and procedures and the business operational manual.  The company’s values which is to provide an honest, unbiased and unprejudiced work environment.  The last section it would contain is disciplinary actions so each employee would know how complaints are handled and specific penalties for any violation of the code. 

Why is it important not to view the concept of “whistleblowing” as “tattling” or “ratting” on another employee?

A whistleblower is a person, who could be an employee of a company, or a government agency, disclosing information to the public or some higher authority about any wrongdoing, which could be in the form of fraud, corruption, etc.  Whistleblowers come forward and share his/her knowledge on any wrongdoing which he/she thinks is happening in the whole organization or in a specific department.  Whistleblowers usually report ethical violations and alleged misconduct to the top managers and law enforcement agencies. Corrupt or unethical business practices by business organizations come to light through whistleblowing and can be addressed before any harm is done. It’s important not to think of whistleblowing as tattling or ratting on another employee.  If the employee who witnesses the wrongdoing feels that he/she would be tattling on someone it would make them less likely to report the wrongdoing.  Employers encourage whistleblowing so that they can be kept aware of any company wrongdoing before it’s too late. 

What do you feel is the relationship between personal ethics and business ethics? Are they or should they be the same?  

Ethics means understanding the difference between right and wrong to make correct and appropriate choices, which do not harm the society.

Personal ethics relates to an individual’s values and morals and is usually influenced by society, culture, attitude, laws and religion. Personal ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life varies from person to person. Business ethics is the consideration of what is right and honest in discharging of professional duties. Business ethics relates to doing what is correct regarding business contracts and agreements. It is about judging the effects of the company’s products and services offered and the nature of relationships with stakeholders and customers. It also refers to the ethics that a person must adhere to in respect of their interactions and business dealings in their professional life.

In my opinion although they should be the same some yet sometimes the ethical requirements in business differ from personal ethics and cause a moral conflict.  For example a police officer may personally believe that a law that he is required to enforce is wrong. However, he is required to obey all lawful and reasonable instructions to enforce that law unless there is good and sufficient cause to do otherwise.  Another example could be a doctor who may not personally believe that the course of medical treatment chosen by a patient is the right one. However, under the Code of Ethics of the Medical Association, the doctor must respect the rights, autonomy and freedom of choice of the patient.

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