Performance Management and Training Academic Essay

Unit 5 outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Identify the need for employee training and development
Explain the six steps in the appraisal process
Discuss how management by objective (MBO) can be used as an appraisal method
Explain why performance appraisals might be distorted
Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment

HA530-2: Recommend employee training and development plans.

Research four peer review articles from Kaplan Library on employee training and
development, the appraisal process, management by objective (MBO) used as an appraisal
method, why performance appraisals might be distorted.

The paper should be 800-–1000 words in length and answer these questions.

1. Briefly describe the appraisal process and how it should work.

2. What are some major factors that distort performance appraisals?

3. How can the appraisal process motivate staff to do a good job?

4. What can managers do to make the meeting more successful?

5. Based on all the above, when and why would you recommend employee training and
development plans?

Textbook Material:
Title: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Edition: 10th (2009)
Author: DeCenzo
Publisher: Wiley
Book ISBN: 9780470169681

Peer review articles from Kaplan Library on employee and development, the appraisal process, management by objective (MBO) used as an appraisal method, why performance appraisals might be distorted

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