Patient-Physician Interactive Game Playbook Dissertation Essay Help

Patient-Physician Interactive Game Playbook
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They used five chapters for each minigame they designed in the Game playbook article. Each chapter has five sections: Player Transformation/Learning Goals, Curriculum Content, Targeted Variables, Theoretical Frameworks ( Theory of Planned Behavior), and Game Design Application. I want to do the same with four chapters – one for each section of PACE. P stands for presenting, A stands for asking, C stands for checking, and E stands for Express. Here is the definition of the PACE Presenting Presenting will provide information about how the adolescent feels. This section will indicate the adolescent’s symptoms, concerns, or problems. Asking: During the examination, the adolescent will ask questions if the desired information is not provided. Thinking about questions to ask the doctor before the appointment will help the adolescent decide what information is important. Checking: This particular portion of the conversation will clarify or check what the adolescent might have heard during the course of the examination. During the examination, the adolescent might have heard words or phrases that were difficult to understand, it might be necessary to clarify what the physician or nurse might be referring to. Expressing This component is used to describe any concerns the adolescent may have in regards to condition, treatment, procedures, dietary changes, or physical activity recommendations. For this thesis, please concentrate only on the Player Transformation/Learning Goals, so the P will have a Player Transformation/Learning Goals, the A will have Player Transformation/Learning Goals, the C will have a Player Transformation/Learning Goals, and E will have a Player Transformation/Learning Goals 1st section-Player Transformation/ Learning Goals a. These goals describe the desired end state of the player experience (i.e., what the player will learn from playing the minigame). b. derived from the “individual determinants” and represent the factors that will have a direct causal effect on the target behaviors c. includes a brief narrative, written in layman’s terms, that describes the overall goal of the minigame. d. game developers could benefit from a more detailed description of the theoretical underpinnings of the transformation/learning goals and curriculum content e. Thus, the Playbook, which clearly states the player transformation goals and retains archived content, is available for review throughout the game design process and is a critical reference tool. Example: the player transformation goals in the Game Playbook article for People Sense are to (a) increase adolescents’ experience with navigating peer relationships; (b) increase adolescent’s knowledge about social dynamics, risk taking, and the interaction of social dynamics and risk taking (i.e., the influence of others’ behavior on one’s own behavior); and (c) increase adolescents’ perceptions of the risks associated with interacting with negative influence peers.

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