- A guidance for the regulations associated have been written under each question.
- Between 350 and 400 words is required for each question.
- A supported material have been uploaded to provide some help in understanding the questions.
- Full References should be stated under each question individually
1- Critically discuss, in relation to exposure to chemical hazards, how the requirements of the associated legislation address the five main principles associated with managing any occupational hygiene issue
Answer Guidance: the 5 principles are:
- Recognition of hazards
- Measurement of hazards
- Evaluation of risk
- Control – hierarchy
- Monitoring – system, measurements and health surveillance
Discussion of requirements of following expected:
- Health and Safety at work act 1974
- Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002
- CLP Regulations ( classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures 2009)
2- A company is planning on buying a new box packing machine from Japan. It is purchasing it directly from the Japanese manufacturer and importing it into the UK. Discuss with reference to legislation the issues that may arise and the actions that should be carried out. Also consider why it may be easier to purchase it through an importer rather than directly from the manufacturer.
Answer Guidance: Look at Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
& The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992
3- A work place requires that the operator of a machine at a recycling plant needs to access the spiked conveyor system several times in a shift. Discuss with reference to legislation the process that should be followed for preparing an appropriate safe system of work and propose a method by which this activity may be managed stating any assumptions that you feel you need to make
Answer Guidance: Look at Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
4- The control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (the Noise Regulations) came into force for all industry sectors in Great Britain on 6 April 2006 (except for the music and entertainment sectors where they came into force on 6 April 2008).
The aim of the Noise Regulations is to ensure that workers’ hearing is protected from excessive noise at their place of work, which could cause them to lose their hearing and/ or to suffer from tinnitus (permanent ringing in the ears).
- With reference to these regulations – evaluate the requirements of the employer in relation to effectively managing exposure to noise.
- Illustrate and discuss, using examples, how time and distance can be effectively used to manage exposure to noise.
Answer Guidance: The control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
5- You are currently working as the Health and Safety Manager for a large chain of small cleaning / launderette companies. As part of your new role, you have been requested to review and report back to management on the current provision and recommendations for improvement with regard to managing occupational health and hygiene within the company.
- (a) Outline the differences between and relationship between occupational health and occupational hygiene.
- (b) Critically evaluate, using two examples of your choice, the possibility of implementing a consistent approach to managing occupation health and hygiene within your organisation.
- (c) Discuss how you would propose to raise awareness of occupational health issues within the workforce.
6- A routine inspection and evaluation of health monitoring statistics of an organisation has highlighted concerns in relation to the increasing incidents of dermatitis in the workshop area.
Discuss, in relation to Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and other related legislation, the risk assessment you would undertake to evaluate the potential health problem.
Answer Guidance: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
7- A small cleaning company uses various pieces of electrical equipment such as vacuum cleaners and carpet washers. Discuss the possible hazards and causes of the hazards associated with using portable electric equipment. What advice would you provide to the management in order to comply with legislation and good practice?
Answer Guidance:
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
& Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994
Accidents are typically caused by :
- The use of unsuitable equipment
- Use of defective equipment
- Misuse of equipment
- Inadequate maintenance
The Causes of Accidents Involving Portable Electrical Appliances
- The lead
- Joints and Connections (including plugs)
- Unsafe Working Practices
Reducing the Risk of Electric Shock
- earthing all exposed metal parts
- using all-insulated casings
- using double insulation
- using reduced voltages
- providing sensitive earth-leakage protection to limit the duration of shock
Consider the following in your answer as well:
- A register of portable equipment should be set up.
- There should be appropriate training for the employees regarding safe usage and detection of faults.
- Testing and inspection of the equipment at appropriate intervals depending on the equipment/usage/age etc.
8- A company has been contracted to undertake maintenance work on the roof of a building that is partly constructed of fragile material. Discuss how the characteristics of the fragile material may be identified and the measures to be taken to minimise the risk to persons involved with the work.
Answer Guidance: The work at height Regulations 2005
9- A factory manufactures upholstery using fabrics and plastic pellets and the raw materials are delivered and stored in a warehouse. They are machine to form cushions and furniture covers which are stored in another warehouse prior to dispatch. Goods are moved around the premises using forklift trucks fuelled with Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG). The company is on the outskirts of a small town and employs 230 people. Discuss the factors that must be addressed to ensure that a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment is produced for the premises.
10- A permit to work system is a fundamental component part of the successful management of activities that have high risks within the workplace. Critically evaluate the benefits of and requirements of using a permit to work system and its relationship to other management functions for the control of risk. Critically discuss how this can be applied to the control of three different types of high risk activity and comment on the responsibilities of the individuals and the steps involved”