Search the internet for an interesting case of occupational crime (crimes committed while working in a specific position, such as: money laundering, embezzlement, tax fraud, racketeering, election fraud, etc.).
Provide a brief summary of the case found (describe: who, what, when, where, why, how). Refer to our course textbook, lectures, and discussions to identify if the crime fits theoretical explanations and concepts. Think about some of the policy implications that occurred after the case was discovered (if any). Provide a discussion that reflects you own thoughts on the case provided.
Suggestive questions to think about:
In what capacity do those involved in the crime serve the general public?
Did this case shape future policy?
If the individuals involved were not public servants, what was their job, where did they work, and what were their duties/responsibilities?
How avoidable was the behavior ? Why or why not?
What would you do to prevent this from happening in the future?
What crime(s) did those involve commit under federal/state/local law?
Where were these behaviors committed (US, another country, multiple, etc.)?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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