Nick. Methland Dissertation Essay Help

choose one of the following prompts to answer.
Option A
Analyze the impact of the events described in the book on the culture and identity of at least two people in the Oelwein community. The paper should include a description of some of each
person’s cultural knowledge and identity before the meth epidemic, an explanation of each one’s experiences during this time, and an analysis of whether their cultural knowledge was sustained,
modified, or transformed as a result.

Option B
Analyze the changes in the social structure, institutions, and culture of the Oelwein, IA community between 1980 and 2009, as they are described in Methland. (In other words, you are not required
to do any additional research on elements of the community that are not described in the book). The paper should include a clear description of the way Oelwien was “before” the changes described
in the book. It should attempt to explain why and how change occurred, as well as describing what changed. Be sure to relate the changes in Oelwein to larger national and international trends.

Option C
Analyze the national and international social and economic structural forces that are identified in the book as relating to the fate of places like Oelwein. The paper must include a detailed
description and explanation of the history during that time of at least two specific industries or institutions. Be sure to relate the larger structural changes directly to life in Oelwein.
Be sure to relate the larger structural changes directly to life in Oelwein. Optional: Incorporate into your analysis one of the following concepts discussed in the book: globalization,
disconnected states, illicit trade.

Option D
Use one or more of the concepts from Burgett and Hendler’s Keywords in American Cultural Studies to frame an analysis of the events and social dynamics described in Methland. The paper must
clearly define the concept being applied, utilizing the essay in Keywords, and give detailed description and explanation of the how the concept explains the experience of Oelwein.
The following selections from Keywords will be posted on our Blackboard site: Capitalism, Community, Corporation, Economy, Globalization, Market. You may also select other concepts with my

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