Network and IT Operations Academic Essay

develop a partial demonstration model of your proposed design and prove that it both solves the problems Dead Duck Publishing was experiencing and meets the extended requirements of the client.

prove the operation of the solution, it should be implemented within a simulated or emulated environment and a test pan/evidence produced to prove to the client that the solution meets the requirements.  You should choose functionality carefully that can be fully demonstrated within the Packet Tracer Environment.


You are required to critically analyze the effectiveness of the solution with detailed examples from your test bed construction showing outputs from the implementation.


You will then be required to make appropriate conclusions and recommendations on the scenario with critical analysis as to how you have reached this decision.


You are required to produce a report of not more than 2500 words (but not including appendices) which details


  • Test Solution Configurations (including fully annotated configurations)
  • Test Plan and Operational Results on the Test Bed
  • Evidence Linked to the Test Plan
  • Integration & Scaling Factors (including other solutions)
  • Issues & Gotcha’s
  • Conclusion and Recommendations

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