moral theories. Dissertation Essay Help

1) Compare and contrast 2 moral theories.
2) How would the 1st moral theory that you described in question 1 apply to the following: If California’s drought were to worsen, what moral obligations would individuals, companies or communities (choose one) have regarding their water usage. Begin your answer by specifying a particular water use behavior, the morality of which you will evaluate.
3) How would the 2nd moral theory that you described in question 1 apply to the following: If California’s drought were to worsen, what moral obligations would individuals, companies or communities (choose one) have regarding their water usage. Begin your answer by specifying a particular water use behavior, the morality of which you will evaluate.

Introduction to management and leadership

Order Description

Identify your organisation’s internal and external stakeholders (or those of an organisation of your choice). Separate these into primary and secondary stakeholders, explaining the difference between the two categories, and conduct an analysis of their key needs and expectations.

Determine the key differences between data and information. Provide details of the sources of both qualitative and quantitative data and information on the stakeholders you have identified.

You may produce this work in table or chart format if preferred.

Draw up a timed plan to meet one of the stakeholder needs identified in your analysis. Ensure you include full details of all the physical, human, financial and technical resources required to deliver the product or service.

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