
It is the joy of every parent to be a successful parent and enjoy every step of parenting, but what they face are the difficult styles and challenges that they face.

Every parent has his/her unique way of parenting though we still have those common parenting strategies and stages or steps that every child grow well to be people with good morals in the society.

Though we have a difference in parenting in the traditional days and modern days. During the early days, children(s) used to learn various activities from their parents through observation and practice. Some activities included weaving, digging hunting, fetching firewood among others.

 Also, various activities were to be done by various genders, in that boys were taught by their fathers, activities such as hunting and gathering, while on the other hand girls were taught on house chores e.g. cooking, fetching of firewood, weaving and plaiting among other activities.

 When it came to schooling in the traditional patents and mostly the mothers were the first teachers as compared to the modern world, where when a child attains the age of joining school they were taken to school.

Some of the knowledge they acquired was through inheritance, such as witch doctors, where one could get them from their forefathers, but as compared to today there is less knowledge inheritance.

 In the traditional world, there was informal education but in the modern world, there is the presence of formal education where children go to school to acquire formal education and gain various skills is a systematic setup.

 On the education matter, parents do play a major role to ensure the children(s) get the necessary skills that will enable them to help themselves in future. The parents have the role to play and guide their children(s) all through the education process, through encouraging them and correcting them where they go wrong. In contrary to the modern world that revolves around parenting differ in its way whereby you find that there are no roles specific for a certain gender. All activities are being done by all gender in our modern world.

You find that the giving out specific roles to specific gender do usually raise the various issue in the modern world, where you find male do not agree to take-up activities that were given to females in the traditional days. This Bring about differences in upbringing and hence the presence of conflicts in the society.


Below are some parenting styles that are commonly used in the modern world.

Being a good parent means teaching your children good morals in what is right and wrong. Setting various limits and being consistent is the most key to be a good parent.

1. Boost your child self-esteem

Every parent needs to build their children’s self-esteem to enable them to face the challenges that they may encounter in life. Self-esteem also helps them to be able to express themselves

2. Create time for your Child

All parents have to create time outside their daily schedule to have enough time with their kids. Creating time helps strengthen the bond between them, enabling them to catch up with the kids about academic progress and their day to day life progress. It allows the parent to know if they are a problem; the kids are encountering

3. Be Consistent in the setting of limits in term of Discipline

As a parent, there must be consistency when it comes to discipline. Parents have to set limits on the level of discipline administered upon the child, equivalent to the mistake done. It should be a way to correct the child and not to punish them.

4. Become a Role Model

Parents are supposed to be good role model for their kids. Example – how they do they work at home how they communicate:- Respect and politeness etc. Being a good role model helps set the norm of the child, and they reflect it

5. Adjust your parenting Style

Changes are inevitable, and you can’t just assume how your parents brought you up will be the same way you will raise your Kid. As a parent, you are supposed to be flexible to change parenting skills for development. It seems several things have changed with time. So as a parent, it would be for best if you were willing to change and adjust to the new parenting, to be at par with the child, and how they do their things for better parenting; this will help in understanding your child better and help you to mode them as desired.

Some of the parenting styles that every parent should take note of include: They may help to be a better parent

Various styles in parenting.

1. Authoritative Parenting

These are the parents who avoid punishment as a mode of disciplining their children. They usually use positive reinforcement upon their children to ensure they have good behaviors.

2. Authoritarian Parenting

They include Parents who are very strict and rigid to change and believe in doing things their way. They don’t want to change the new ways of bringing up the child (Famlli 2015). They want their rules adhered to.

3. Permissive Parenting

They believe in giving their children the freedom to do their work; they do think that once a child is given, space can control them and be responsible people in society and the future.

Therefore to become a better parent, you need to sacrifice a lot as children learn from their parents how to conduct themselves and handle things.


Carbajal MCADMM, Ramírez LFL. Parenting Styles and Their Relation with Obesity in Children Ages 2 to 8 Years.

Hesari NKZ, Hejazi E.( 2011) The Mediating Role of Self Esteem in the Relationship Between the Authoritative Parenting Style and AggressionProcedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Jane B. Brooks (28 September 2012). The Process of Parenting: Ninth Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 

 Famlii (2 February 2015). “Parenting Styles and Wealth: Concerted Cultivation by Annette Lareau”. Famlii. Retrieved 30 April 2021.


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