Military Decision Making Process
The commander and his staff focus on recognizing and anticipating battlefield activities in order to decide and act faster than the enemy. The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions.
The staff officer who performs this mechanical staff functions, no matter how flawlessly, without understanding how commanders make decisions, is useless to his commander. Staff officers must be able to anticipate the outcome of current operations to develop concepts for a follow-on mission. They must also understand and be able to apply commonly understood doctrine in executing their missions.
Military Decision Making Process
How can a staff NCO anticipate the outcome of current operations to develop concepts for follow-on-missions?
Decision making is a basis and significant skill that all of us are using in every minute in our lives without even realizing doing it. It doesn’t matter how important the object is to survive from the daily life.
By being aware of their duties and responsibilities , NCOs can be able to anticipate the outcome of the current operations and develop the concepts of follow up missions . The Command Sergeant Major , CSM , is the most senior person in the battalion and their duties involve leading and advising the other NCOs , giving directions and acting as the role model ( Schoomaker , 2006 ) . The SOP , which is a working document , is usually reviewed by the NCOs after each training . In case the SOP is significantly changed , a new one is issued .