Mexican Americans Assimilation Academic Essay

Why have Mexican Americans experienced a lack of assimilation knowledge? Do you think that it has to do with a language barrier?


What do we mean today when we say that someone is a “real American?” Will the acceptance of pluralism promote intergroup hostility and conflict and threaten the unity and stability of American society?


According to conflict theory, how can minority groups assimilate into society? What advantage or disadvantage does this give to dominant groups in society? Do you agree with the conflict theory? Why or why not?


What groups have suffered as a result of their migration to the United States? Why have they not adapted better? What racial and ethnic groups have benefited from their assimilation to the United States? How have they benefited? What might be learned from those who assimilated well that might help groups that did not assimilate as well?


How has Black America influenced the dominant culture?


In what ways was the Black experience similar to an immigrant experience? How is the colonial experience of African Americans different from that of American Indians and Mexican Americans?



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