Mechanisms by which incompatible red cells may be cleared from the circulation. Academic Essay

Mechanisms by which incompatible red cells may be cleared from the circulation.

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This topic has been prompted by the following recent publication.
Liepkalns JS, Hod EA, Stowell SR, Cadwell CM, Spitalnik SL, Zimring JC. Biphasic clerarance of incompatible red cells through a novel mechanism requiring neither complement nor Fc? receptors in a murine model. Transfusion 2012;52:2631-2645
ONPS2361 Advanced transfusion and transplantation science tutorial paper one.
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Presentation Title page, word limit 2000+/- 200 words, neat and tidy work in correct logical order. Proof read for typographical and grammatical errors. Marks 2
Introduction Background information.
Clearly identify issues.
State how you will discuss the topic. Marks 4
Discussion 1. Points raised on each topic area.
2. Points for well articulated discussion.
3. Points of relevance to each topic.
4. Points for critical analysis of each topic. Marks 10
Conclusion 1. Points for conclusion raised for topic.
2. Future directions. Marks 2
Reference list 1. Reference list formatted correctly.
2. References cited correctly (in text).-in Vancouver style.
3. References cited within the last 5 years.
4. Bibliography: not cited but shows depth and breadth of reading. Marks 2
Final Grade Marks /20.

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