This assignment, Measuring Behavior, has two parts:

Part 1: Observations
For the first part of this assignment, select two frequently occurring human behaviors that you can easily observe in your workplace or community. (If needed, you may substitute a character’s behavior that can be frequently observed on a favorite TV series.) Two different people should be observed, rather than two behaviors in one person. You are to practice observing behaviors inconspicuously. You must not make any attempt to share your observations, conduct any form of assessment, or intervene!

Using the guidelines in Chapter 5 of your Applied Behavior Analysis text, plan and conduct three separate observation sessions, each for 10–20 minutes, for each behavior you have just observed. You have several options for conducting these observations. You may choose to do several on one day at different times (for example, 10–20 minute sessions in the morning, afternoon, and evening) or on different days. You should then have three separate observations for each of the two individuals you observed in Part 1.

Part 2: Observations, Definitions, and Data Recording Forms
After observing the behaviors, write a brief description of the person you observed and the setting. After the description, create a brief (1–2 sentences) definition for each of the two behaviors you observed. Follow these guidelines for your definitions:

Be sure that each definition meets Hawkins and Dobes’s three characteristics (bottom of page 67) and Morris’s three criteria for testing a definition (pages 68–69) as described in the Applied Behavior Analysis text.

The definitions should not include inferences (for example, about internal state or thoughts), or include background, diagnostic, or historical information about the persons you observed.

You will choose a data recording method to summarize the three observations for each of the two behaviors. After describing your observation method and providing a definition for each of the two behaviors, identify the data recording method you selected to record this data (frequency or duration) and explain why you chose that method.

Summarize the data from your observations on the appropriate data recording form and create a table of this summary. Copy and paste both the data recording form and the table into your assignment. Do not submit a spreadsheet or more than one document. The one document (the Unit 3 assignment) should contain definitions, observations, data form, and table for each of the two behaviors that you observed. You will be using the tables summarizing your data in the Unit 4 assignment.


  • Discriminatory behaviors
  • gossiping and temper tantrums

Mr “A” who is a bachelor is senior manager in a famous IT company. He is very hard working and sincere to his work and usually receives pay hikes for his excellence in career. The main problem with his behaviour is that , he express discriminatory behaviours to those people who has different ideologies from him. He will harass those people in front of public and try to isolate them. No words can convince him. He is very rigid in his attitudes and unable to accept others point of view. Even if he is successful in his career his behaviour does not suits to a healthy personality. 

“A” is brought up in a orthodox family and his father was a military commander. So during his childhood he was brought up through strict rules and ideologies which made him a rigid kind of personality.

Mrs.” B” is a technical officer in my company. She is married and have two children. She is very helpful and friendly. But she is flirting kind of person and she likes gossiping . In office she express frequent temper tantrums particularly when there is shift in job timings. I came to know that the reason for her temper tantrums is that she is separated from her husband and due to that she has to face lots daily stressors to take care of her children. They reason behind her gossiping may be her jealousy towards others way of living.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007). Applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780131421134.

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