Managing organizational and individual change custom essay.


Assessment on this module includes two pieces of coursework and a group presentation. The coursework accounts for 70% (Component B) and the presentation for 30% (Component A) of the module marks. The staff team undertakes an extensive process of moderation to ensure that marking criteria are applied appropriately across the whole cohort.

Once moderation has been completed scripts will not be re-marked.



This element involves a 2500 word essay. The assessment provides an opportunity to reflect critically on managing organizational change and its implications for change management practice. Using relevant theories, your analysis should lead to an evaluation and discussion of the principles of effective change management in organisations. It is recommended that the section on effective change management should account for at least one third of the essay.




This part of the coursework is designed to develop your ability to:

  • Understand theories and conceptual frameworks of the management of organisational change
  • Conduct an insightful analysis of the effective management of organisational change by linking theory and practice
  • Undertake critical evaluation and present a succinct, reasoned, coherent argument


Essay Question


This essay requires you to review an example of organisational change. This might be an experience that you have had whilst working in an organisation, from a published case study, or events encountered in the media[1]. You should analyse this organisational change using models/theories of organisational change from two of the following themes covered in the study units:  Communications & Resistance; Planned Approaches; Process, Stories & Political Approaches; Change Leadership; Learning Organisation & Organisation Development (OD); Structure and Systems; Culture.

Using relevant theories, your analysis should lead to an evaluation and discussion of the principles of effective change management in organisations. It is recommended that the section on effective change management should account for at least one third of the essay.


Assessment Criteria


Tutors will mark the essay based on the following assessment criteria:

  • Knowledge and understanding of relevant theories (T)
  • Analysis linking theory and practice (A)
  • Critical evaluation and coherent argument (C)


Format of Written Work


  • 2500 words (+/- 10% which is a minimum of 2250 words and a maximum of 2750 words) excluding reference pages. Writing beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked
  • Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.)
  • The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from the word count.
  • Appendices may be included for reference but WILL NOT be marked


The University’s policy on word count can be found:

A guide to referencing can be found at:

Please ensure you adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you use the UWE/ Harvard system to reference your work. Failure to properly reference your work to original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the assessment or have more serious implications.

Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found here

[1] NOTE: You should ensure that the analysis of case study is your own. It is an assessment offence to copy an analysis from another source (e.g. internet, text book, tutor notes in lecture/seminar, or other students).

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