Malaysian Airline Flight MH370 Academic Essay

Critically evaluate the handling of the event in terms of both crisis management and crisis communication efforts and provide recommendations for improvement where appropriate.
Give a brief outline of the organisational crisis (Missing Malaysian Airline Flight MH370) and the events which occurred. This should include background information about the organisation and about the crisis

Outline the key business continuity issues which they faced and how these were managed e.g. Were there early warning signs? Who was involved? How did the crisis unfold? Consider the extent to which the business was disrupted? What did they do to minimise business interruption? How did they handle the media? How did they communicate the crisis to other stakeholders? Consider the impact the event had on the organisation: the scale of the event; the cost to the company – short term & long term; consider the organisations various stakeholders, in what ways were they impacted?

Provide an evaluation of how effectively the company handled the event, how did they deal with the issues they face & how successful were they.

Consider where the company could have employed better business continuity management/crisis management to handle the event more effectively.

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