Literature review of Automatic simile and metaphor recognizers Academic Essay


This must be a literature review of research on simile and metaphor automatic recognizer/identifiers in the Natural Language Processing field.

The main focus must be on simile. Hence, the format of the paper should be as follows:

1.5 pages for lit. review of research on metaphor recognition in natural language processing and 1.5 pages should be on lit. review of research on automatic recognition of simile in natural language processing.
Overall, the paper must cover the following:

1) A rough historical outline of the development of progress in the area, including major advances and breakthroughs

2) The current state of the art, with identification of key problems yet to be overcome
Note: This will be part of a bigger paper that I am currently writing. This portion will go into the related research section of the paper. Hence, this is not a stand-alone paper that needs an introduction or conclusion.

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