ITCCI Abnormal Psychology Models of Abnormality & Mental Disorders

Models of Abnormality Paper Organization Tips:

First, make sure to set up your paper in APA format. Choose the models you want to compare. Identify high scholarly resources for your citations. Review the suggestions below on how to format the body of your paper.

1st paragraph: Identify the model you chose that you believe provides the greatest insight into abnormality and describe the basics of that model.

2nd paragraph: explain the strengths of that model

3rd paragraph: explain the weaknesses of that model

4th paragraph: Identify the model you believe is the poorest for providing insight into abnormality and describe the basics of that model.

5th paragraph: explain the strengths of that model

6th paragraph: explain the weaknesses of that model

7th paragraph: compare the two models (you may use some points you discussed in your previous paragraphs but need to also explore other strengths that were not discussed).

8th paragraph: contrast the two models (you may use some points you discussed in your previous paragraphs but need to also explore other weaknesses that were not discussed).

9th paragraph: your final thoughts.

If you use this as a guideline it should help in organizing your thoughts more clearly and also help in achieving the 4-5 page paper requirements.

1. Introduction

Introduce the topic of abnormal psychology and the importance of understanding different models. State the purpose of the paper: to compare and contrast the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral models.

2. Psychodynamic Model

1st paragraph:

Identify the psychodynamic model as the one believed to provide the greatest insight into abnormality. Describe the basics of the psychodynamic model, emphasizing concepts like the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and the role of early experiences.

2nd paragraph:

Explain the strengths of the psychodynamic model. Highlight its comprehensive approach to understanding the unconscious and the impact of early experiences. Provide scholarly references supporting the empirical evidence and clinical applications of the psychodynamic model.

3rd paragraph:

Explain the weaknesses of the psychodynamic model. Discuss criticisms such as the lack of empirical support, the subjective nature of interpretations, and the potential for cultural bias.

3. Cognitive-Behavioral Model

4th paragraph:

Identify the cognitive-behavioral model as the one believed to be the poorest for providing insight into abnormality. Describe the basics of the cognitive-behavioral model, focusing on the role of thoughts, behaviors, and the principles of learning.

5th paragraph:

Explain the strengths of the cognitive-behavioral model. Discuss its empirical support, practicality, and the emphasis on observable behaviors. Provide scholarly references supporting the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral interventions.

6th paragraph:

Explain the weaknesses of the cognitive-behavioral model. Discuss limitations, such as potential oversimplification of complex psychological issues and a focus on symptoms rather than underlying causes.

4. Comparison and Contrast

7th paragraph:

Compare the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral models. Explore strengths shared between the two models, such as their focus on the individual, and differences, like their approach to understanding the root causes of abnormal behavior.

8th paragraph:

Contrast the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral models. Highlight differences in terms of their theoretical foundations, treatment approaches, and views on the role of unconscious processes.

5. Conclusion

9th paragraph:

Summarize key points from the paper. Reiterate your perspective on which model provides greater insight into abnormality. Conclude with final thoughts on the nuanced nature of abnormal psychology and the value of considering multiple models.

Additional Tips:

  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Provide in-text citations for all information and ideas that are not your own.
  • Ensure that your paper adheres to APA formatting guidelines.
  • Use headings and subheadings to make the paper easy to follow.
  • Proofread your paper to catch any grammatical errors or inconsistencies.

Adhering to these guidelines will assist you in presenting a well-organized and comprehensive paper on the models of abnormality.


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