The Value of Difficulty
It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. ” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Thoughts to consider with essay 1 include:
what do we mean by the production of knowledge the different kinds of value knowledge can have
the different kinds of difficulty a process can have
Please make sure you include real life situtations
the 1st paragraph should be introduction and the 6th should be conclusion
and 4th and 5th paragraph should be a different AOK not similar to the paragraph 2nd and 3rd
The Value of Difficulty
TOK title: Title 1: ” It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. ” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
This is the question that must be answered through examples that fall under AOKs.
What is an Area of knowledge (AOK)? Disciplines such as Natural sciences, human sciences, Arts, History, Ethics. Two of these AOK’s must be chosen (human sciences and history) along with specific
real life examples.
Language: Please use formal but understandable language, while keeping the arguments coherent.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (approx. 200 words)
Present an appropriate and cogent analysis of knowledge questions in discussing the title.
The essay question is identified. It will embody all the AOKs and WOKs you plan to use.
Thesis is clear (KI – knowledge Issue) (see TOK Understanding knowledge issues.)
Produce a preview/roadmap (your statement of how you will explore the KI, and which Way Of Knowing and AOK you’ll use)
AOK 1: Broadly supports
Paragraph 2: Broadly supports (approx. 300 words)
Claim #1 (supports the thesis)
Explanation/clarification of claim/question #1
Evidence to support claim #1 (real life examples from your experience or something you specifically learned in a course or learned in a subject of study)
Scientific/scholarly references are made.
Implications and significance – why is it important that we know about this?
Paragraph 3: Counter Claim (approx. 300 words)
Counterclaim (argue against the claim in paragraph 1)
Evidence (that supports the counterclaim) (real life examples)
Link to K.I. question (sum up the insights; either refute or make concessions to the counterclaim)
Scientific/scholarly references are made.
Implications and significance – why is it important that we know about this?
AOK 2:
Paragraph 4: Supports (approx. 300 words)
Claim #2 (supports the thesis)
Explanation/clarification of claim #2
Evidence to support claim #2 (real life examples)
Scientific/scholarly references are made.
Implications and significance – why is it important that we know about this?
Paragraph 5: Broadly Disagrees – Counter Claim (approx. 300 words)
Counterclaim (argue against the claim in paragraph 1)
Evidence (that supports the counterclaim) (real life examples)
Link to K.I. question (sum up the insights; either refute or make concessions to the counterclaim)
Scientific/scholarly references are made.
Implications and significance – why is it important that we know about this?
Paragraph 6: (approx. 200 words)
The thesis is reiterated (or, introduced if building up to it)
Sum up insights.
Mention unresolved issues.
Does the final sentence give a strong sense of closure?
Sample solution
“It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value”. To what extent do you agree?
I disagree with the statement that the knowledge that is produced with difficulty is the only knowledge which is valuable.
Knowledge produced with difficulty is often perceived as more valuable, as it gives us more satisfaction and fulfillment when we work hard to achieve something. A knowledge produced with difficulty is also respected more and hence many people tend to hold a larger value for it. Burj Khalifa the tallest building in the world is just a beautiful structure for many tourists, but after one learns the technicalities and challenges involved in constructing the tower we tend to admire it more.
I personally believe no knowledge can be created without difficulty. Some knowledge which might seem completely effortless to us might have taken years of work for its creator.
Knowledge was created when newton discovered the laws of motion which is considered extremely valuable. We use the knowledge created by him to create further knowledge in almost everything of our daily life from enhancing car performance to constructing sky scrapers. For Many, Newton developing the idea of gravity by looking at the falling apple was an easy knowledge. But does that knowledge came to Newton so easily?
It is also true that not all knowledge which is gained with difficulty is valuable. For example, the invention of atomic bomb, drugs, AK 47 , cigarettes etc which are more destructive than useful and we wish these inventions would have never happened.
The Value of Difficulty
There are numerous examples around us where a knowledge which has been gained effortlessly is more valuable. Mostly, we use the knowledge created by others in our daily life to create applied knowledge which is equally valuable. There is immense knowledge that we are born with. Knowledge that helps us build our common sense is usually gained easily and is considered equally valuable. It is an easy knowledge that drinking adequate amount of water every day keeps a lot of diseases away and this knowledge is valuable to us
The value of knowledge lies in its usage independent of the amount of efforts taken to produce it. There is no knowledge which is not useful and hence carries a value with it. In fact, the value of same knowledge varies from one person to the other depending on the importance of its use. For example, scientists do a great deal of research and planning to launch a satellite into space. The technical knowledge of how to launch a satellite is important for the scientists but for a common man, the value of this knowledge lies in in the ways it is used for various applications. The extent of use of the knowledge increases its value and is appreciated by most.