This is a research paper about Islamic extremism. The thesis statement is “While some ‘Islamic’ extremist practices have alienated people vs. the religion, Islam really preaches tolerance and peace.” The sources that you need to use will be databases from my college’s website. The website is
Louis Blanc: His Life & His Contribution to the Rise of French Jacobin-Socialism
AAA CAA Western Canada & Alaska Tourbook
Decentring Dancing Texts: The Challenge of Interpreting Dances
The Dead Sea Scrolls 1947-1969
Boeing: The First Century & Beyond
AAA CAA Western Canada & Alaska Tourbook
Problems of Space and Time
The Insurrection in Paris
Bob Dylan and the Beatles, Volume One of the Best of the Blacklisted Journalist
Vimeiro 1808: Wellesley’s first victory in the Peninsular
Multicultural Picture Books: Art for Understanding Others
When you reach the website, click on ‘FCWR’ and select ‘FCWR 151- 10/27/15- Feldman.’ After you click on that, select “Academic Search Complete” under “Class resources.” You will need my student ID and password. ID is fchaud03 and password is captain25. Then, you will be able to search islamic extremism or whatever keywords you want to use to find articles to write the paper. Please use at least 5 articles relevant to my paper from these databases. When you click on an article, you will have to open up the PDF full text and on the right hand side under “tools,” you will see “cite.” If you scroll down to MLA, you will see that they already have the citation of the source. Please write an engaging introduction and a really good conclusion. 5 sources must be from the databases and the other 2 or how many ever you need, you can find something on google. You can also include the Quran as a source if you use one or two verses from it.
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