Is the theory correct? Academic Essay

Topic: Is the theory correct?–

Order Description

Is the theory correct?
Objective: Hypothesis Testing, using a claim about one and/or two proportions

This is EXAMPLE–{Young children who play sports are often separated by age. In 1991, for example, children born in 1984 might have been placed in a 7-year-old league while children born in 1983 were placed in an 8-year-old league. Someone born in January 1984 is eleven month older than someone born in December 1984. Because coaches give more attention and playing time to better players, children with early birth dates may have an advantage when they are young that cumulates over the years.}

To test this theory, choose one specific sport List of football Armenian players and select at least 60 professional players from the same sport and see how many of them have birth dates during the first six months of the year (i.e. January through June). Can we say that a majority of professional athletes are born in the first 6 months of the year? (Remember, majority means more than 50%)
1. Write a brief summary of the purpose of your study.
2. Define your population.
3. Name and describe your sampling method on how you randomly choose the professional athletes. Be specific on how you selected your sample. (Remember that we need to collect data at random in order to eliminate bias.)
4. Summarize your collected data in a table, include athlete’s name, birthday and sport.
5. State the hypotheses for the study both in a sentence and symbol form.
6. Perform a hypotheses test and compute your p-value. Print out your results from StatCrunch and attach it to your project.
7. State your decision. Be specific. Write out your result in a complete sentence.

You need to follow all 7 steps outlined under procedure and turn in a typed report showing all your work.
You need to do additional work related to this project. Be creative! Just printing out pages from the Internet will not count.

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