Begin by assessing the interactions between a patient’s behaviors and life context and their effects on the presenting health issue.
•Identify the target behavior(s)

•Explore activities or times when the behavior(s) is/are most likely to occur:
◦Where is the behavior more likely to occur?
◦Are there times when the behavior rarely occurs?
◦With whom is the behavior likely to occur?
◦What is most likely to be occurring just before the behavior occurs?
◦Is there one thing that triggers the behavior?
◦What skills or changes might make the behavior less likely to occur?
◦What happens when the behavior occurs, in terms of the patient’s experience and the behavior of others?
◦Is there a predictable pattern of behaviors leading up to the target behavior?

•What has the patient tried to do to help the problem? Has it worked?

Behavioral Treatment Plan and Rationale for Using Specific Interventions
Describe the evidence-based treatment plan based on the Functional Analysis above. The plan should include:
•The specific behavioral intervention(s) based on the assessment
•The evidence-base for the intervention(s)
•The treatment goals stated in objective, measurable terms
•The expected results and time frame, i.e., what specific outcomes do you anticipate on the basis of the intervention and assessment, and within what anticipated time frame?

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