Internship final report Academic Essay

This Internship course and opportunity is strongly experientially oriented and encourages students to develop their professional skills in a real world environment. This course will ensure that students combine theoretical knowledge with business, government, professional and operational methodologies, so as to expand analytic and strategic thinking capacities. It will prepare students for work in a national, international and multicultural environment. Students typically enroll in this course in their penultimate or final semester.

Course Learning Outcome:
1. Evaluate and apply knowledge gained the appropriate theoretical and/or empirical studies to a specific issue in a workplace.
2. Analyze the highly complex work environment and contribute expert knowledge.
3. Function autonomously in a workplace environment.
4. Offer leadership at the nexus of the intelligence community and national security objectives.

Attendance and Participation:
The minimum requirement of hours worked during the course of internship is 280 hours. The following table represents the minimum requirements.
Hours per Day Days per Week Hours per Week Weeks per Semester Total
Hours Total Credit
8 5 40 7 280 6

Provide Internship details

– Company: X (Security Company)
– Department: Admin & Projects Department
– Supervisor Department: Follow up Section
– Supervisor position: HR Advisor

Internship proposal (describe the internship you will be undertaken)
• Monitoring projects with follow up section team to ensure guidelines are maintained.
• Using different tools for monitoring and handling different projects at a time.
• Contributing in contract negotiations relating to (Security & Strategy).
Relevance of the internship (why the internship is relevant to the degree)
Admin & Projects department is an entity that specializes in strategically planning, promoting and managing sensitive projects matching the objectives of the armed forces future needs.
Job description:
1. Driving projects by ensuring the following are carried out in accordance with the defined expectations;

A. Progress; deliverables are being completed within the baselined time scale.

B. Quality; deliverables are being completed to defined expectations, first time.

C. Regulatory; all required statutory and regulatory conditions being met.

2. Administrative support, coordination and follow up of all matters relating to the projects engaged to.

3. Participating in ensuring the development, assessment and follow-up of projects (Especially in area of Security and Strategic).
A. Contribute to strategic development program.

B. Coordinate and implement the strategic project.

Develop logs: (7 Reports + Final Report)

The develop logs are not just Weekly Reports. These are reports of critical thinking about the activities you did that week. As well assessing the SWOT analyses you submitted in the beginning. Week-by-week report combined with analysis of the workplace and completed work.

Develop log:
Analysis of Weekly Activities
Week 1
Organization Overview
UAE Armed Forces is a leading government entity that strives to meet the global age security needs of the UAE. UAE Armed Forces obtained an official authorization from the government to operate under the umbrella of security within the Interior and Defense Ministries. It has teamed up with the Ministries to secure the country both inside and outside. During my internship, I was stationed in the Admin and Projects Department, Follow Up Section under the HR Advisor’s supervision Dr. Ismail AlBloushi. The unit specializes in planning, promoting, and managing sensitive projects that match the objectives of the Armed Forces’ future needs.
Admin and Projects Department’s structure comprises of the Head of the Department, Head of Sections, Supervisors and employees. This structure facilitates the Department to deliver its strategic objectives, develop integrated solutions, maintain an efficacious framework, and build customer relationships. The aim of the Admin and Projects Department is to be recognized as a leader in projects managing and in delivering security solutions. Its objective include: 1) Monitoring projects to ensure guidelines are maintained, 2) handling different projects at a time, and 3) Contributing in contract negotiations relating to (security & strategy).
Personal Goals and SWOT Analysis
From the internship, I intend to achieve the following objectives: 1) learn from a leading name in terms of delivering security solutions, 2) evaluate and apply theory into practice, 3) comprehend the complex working environment, and 4) ensure the safety of the UAE. To achieve these goals, I will leverage my personal strengths and opportunities, but manage my weaknesses and threats. In light of my strengths, I am a good planner, with good problem-solving skills for managing projects. Alongside outstanding communication and presentation skills, I am creative in developing new plans and strategies, and can work under pressure. However, I fear change, and lack such skills as using some project management tools. I am also slow at revealing weaknesses that raise red flags. My greatest opportunities are gaining new experience and working within a culturally diverse working environment. Besides, I will be able to travel and attend international events. Within the Department, I will work with highly experienced people with authority. These, further, threaten me being transferred to a different unit.
Analysis of Weekly Activities
This week involved meeting with the Department HR for placement and acquainting myself with the company procedures. The UAE Armed Forces has various departments requiring different expertise. To further ensure that every intern has an opportunity for career development, the Department assigned me a supervisor (HR Advisor) as well. The week was a great opportunity for acquainting myself with the entire Department. It was imperative that I acquire the hands-on skills for monitoring projects with the follow-up section team to maintain the guidelines. Accordingly, a group of facilitators trained and encouraged me (along with other interns) to build and develop the necessary technical skills. The approach are encouraged a secure, sociable, and professional working environment.
Later in the week, I implemented the acquired skills and learned to use the tools for managing various projects at a time. Mainly, we learned the Program Evaluation Review Technique. It is one of the most common project management tools, besides the Gantt chart. PERT is a tool for defining, planning, and controlling different tasks for completing a project. By learning to use the tool, the Department prepared me to drive project by ensuring activities are carried out according to the defined progress, quality, and regulatory expectations. Fully, I applied the acquired skills and knowledge. We used the Department standard procedures to define, plan, and control those tasks. This practical participation was crucial for developing, assessing, following-up projects, and negotiating contracts within the Security and Strategy area. I believe that the second week will be an invaluable learning and networking opportunity to develop my future career.

Week 2
During the first week, I began to acquaint myself with the department under my new supervisor who was supportive throughout my second week, as well, at the section. This week (Week 2), it was imperative that I continue knowing the organization, especially the department I was assigned to. The HR Advisor and the department at large demonstrated attentiveness to ensure I developed my future career.
This week, I embarked on developing my career not only as an intern, but also for the future. I continued to learn how to apply the Program Evaluation Review Technique and the Gantt Chart within the department. Crucially, I used those tools to continue monitoring projects involved in combating crisis management, in terms of their progress, quality, and regulatory expectations. To, further ensure I develop my career, I ensured project clarity by leveraging the Gantt chart, as well as my invaluable communication skills. All through, my supervisor was very attentive and supportive to ensure that I conduct my activities, in accordance with the Admin & Projects Department policies and standards. This way, I was able to remain not only professional, but also ethical in all my responsibilities. Indeed, the department is a career developer.
I also had a chance to make new friends within my section. At the moment, I have three professional acquaintances who guide and assist me in my administrative support activities. For instance, in day 2, I misprinted my log-in password, and was locked out of the system. I was nervous because I assumed that would raise a red flag. One of my acquaintances was swift to attend to my situation, notwithstanding, and I was back on the system. It was simply a technical error. Meanwhile, there was an impending deadline to meet that week. Everyone in the department was under pressure to achieve the project deliverables. Being good at working under such conditions, I viewed all the projects in the unit, leveraging the requisite tools. Indeed, the Admin & Projects Department is goal-oriented. All the project teams exercised due diligence and commitment to achieve the project deliverables in time. Not a single employee slacked. As Goldberg (2011), maintains, goal-oriented departments ensure teamwork to achieve its objectives.
My most intriguing moments were attending meetings to see how things work. As we strived to meet the deadlines, on day 4, I was given an opportunity to report on the project progress. At first, I was a bit anxious. However, I unleashed my presenting skills articulated the report with precision. Everyone clapped for me at the end of the presentation. The head of the department was quite impressed: “That was a good job Mohamed,” he affirmed after my presentation. Actually, the working environment is supportive and believes in uplifting others. The meetings were advanced opportunities for me to establish my professional networks. For me, it gave an indication to whom I should rely on. Specifically, the department head, as well as the project team manager, are people that can assist me in developing my future career. Such supportive and confidence-lifting leaders motivate their employees to embark passionately in any given task (Goldberg, 2011). To further demonstrate their confidence in me, I was asked to select two projects to supervise from week 3. I selected the Crisis Management Training and the Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles.
Goldberg, Edie. 2011. 6 Ways You Can Help Your Employees Facilitate Their Own Career Success. Retrieved Jun 24, 2016 ><. Week 3 In the third week all the interns were expected to have familiarized with the Organization operations and within their respective departments. The Organization offers a supportive environment for the interns to leverage their skills with reference to planning, communication skills, strategies, project management and problem solving among others, in a manner that is applicable in the real work environment. Interns working in the Admin and Project Department have a chance to interact with some of the processes of project management. Some of the two main projects that the Department was working on were on Crisis Management Training and Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles. Crisis management is a constant aspect within the military and thus the project is designed to make sure that operations run as smoothly as possible for the client. The training on crisis management captures some of the most crucial aspects of the operations and the subtle nature of military operations. Among the main aspects that are covered in the training include the introduction to crisis management, incidence management, crisis leadership, team building, crisis communication protocols, social media protocols, log keeping, support, information management, situational awareness and decision making when under pressure. The platform communication system on the other hand, is a project that captures the efficiency, effectiveness and the integrity required by the military. The platform communication system in the case allows the military troops to communicate much faster, safer and securely regardless of the demand of the situation that they may find themselves in the system is designed to fit al heavy, medium armored vehicles, light vehicles as well as soviet designed vehicles. The system is designed in such a way that it is easy to install, with setup procedures that are easy to follow for both technical and the general staff. Full controls in all the aspects of communication are offered to the crew. This means that the crews have access to features such as continuous fault monitoring as well as warning, individual control of the radio monitoring and selection, intercom access, individual volume controls selective calling, displays, VoIP and Ethernet connectivity. The key holder in the Crisis Management Training relates to getting the teams to be prepared for any form of crisis. Ideally the various members are supposed to understand their part in the crisis management procedures. This way they are able to play part of the team with reference to the various operations and protocols. The training is designed to last three weeks and cost the client an estimated xxxxxxx AED. The Platform Communication System on the other hand is designed safety, efficiency and integrity as the key holder. These are crucial aspects of the projects relative to the sensitivity of the information that is being shared. The time line for the installation, testing and implementation of the system is estimated at six months. The system is estimated to cost the client approximately xxxxxxxx AED. The interns were required to join the team to work with the different aspects of the project. Each one was assigned a portion of the project which they were required to review. Each one was required to make sure that they complete their reviews in four weeks and present their evaluation reports by the end of the fifth week. Those in the Admin and Projects department were required to review the Platform Communication System and the Crisis Management Training under the supervisor guidance and rules. At the personal level, the interns were supposed to observe integrity and professionalism along with quality presentation skills. From the interaction with the two projects interns were able to internalize much of what they have learned in theory into real operations within the security and strategy studies. In the fourth week, the interns will be required to follow on the two projects to establish their success along with skills gained and enhanced. Week 4 In the fourth week, I will be required to follow up on the two main projects that the Department was working on were on Crisis Management Training and Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles to establish their success along with skills gained and enhanced. I won't be able to do that this week because of the public holiday "Eid Al Fiter" but we would start working on them from next week. Week 5 During the fourth week, the interns were required to follow up on the two main projects the Admin & Projects Department. Specifically, they were to delve pursue the Crisis Management Training and the Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles. Follow-up entails monitoring and evaluating the impacts of projects to manage and communicate about the performance of the project. The aim of the assessment was monitoring; to establish their success along with the skills gained and enhanced. However, this was not possible because of the public holiday. They started working on them in the fifth week, notwithstanding. Internal follow-up was a critical piece in the planning process of the two projects. During this phase, in accordance with Baars prescription for a successful follow-up , everything was prepared that was necessary to warrant sustainability when the projects are completed. There are various aspects assessed by the interns to ensure that the tasks were sustainable. First, the projects were operational and were being used. For instance, the department actively engaged the members in crisis management training, a crucial component of military operations. On the other hand, the unit had put in place dynamic personnel (including Interns) to follow-up the platform communication systems project. Secondly, the projects were delivering an opposite level of benefits. Benefit levels are appraised in terms of quantity, quality, convenience, and continuity to all. For example, the crisis management training had sufficient content to be covered. Precisely, there were some military-relevant aspects encompassed. They included the introduction to crisis management, incidence management, crisis leadership, team building, crisis communication protocols, social media protocols, log keeping, support, information management, situational awareness and decision making when under pressure. By the fifth week, the interns had conveniently covered the introduction to crisis management, incidence management, crisis leadership, team building, crisis communication protocols, social media protocols, and log keeping. Meanwhile, the platform communication systems for military vehicles project was underway. As explained in the previous report (Internship Develop Log 3), the purpose of this project is to facilitate faster, safer, and secure communication among the military troops. During the week 5, the systems were under procurement. The Admin & Projects Department had put in place interns to closely follow-up the installation process. There was adequate personnel to accomplish this task. Consequently, as far as the two projects are concerned, they are operational and have the right personnel in place to ensure their success. Meanwhile, the interns gained and enhanced their skills during the week. In the third week, they were required to work in teams. They covered important elements for teamwork during the crisis communication training. Such included crisis leadership and team building. Consequently, they acquired and enhanced their leadership and team building skills. Among other things, the leadership within the teams was efficient. The team leaders promoted honesty, effective communication, flexibility, consistency, and conviction. At the same time, since the teams are made up of culturally diverse people, the interns professionally worked in the multicultural environment. Imperatively, they were willing to learn from it to promote the company’s standard ethics of conduct and professionalism. At the personal level, the interns translated the theoretical aspects of security and strategy studies into actual operation. For example, they were able to decode communication strategies theories in military operation features. Such features included continuous fault monitoring alongside warning, monitoring individual control of the radio, and so on. More so, among other things, they gained experience in intercom access, displays, individual volume controls, selective calling within the military operations. In the sixth week, the interns will embark on evaluation aspect of the follow-up phase. They will appraise the two projects in terms of their convenience, continuity, management, operation, maintenance, administration, impacts on the environment and so on. References Baars, Wouter. Project Management Handbook Version 1.1 - July 2006. The Hague: Data Archiving and Networked Services, 2006. Week 6 During the sixth week, the interns embarked on evaluating the two main projects at the Admin and Projects Department. The projects are the Crisis Management Training and the Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles. Throughout the week, the interns looked into certain elements of those ventures. Such included their operation, administration, convenience and so on. This report appraises that the two assignments are doing well. The Crisis Management Training was going on as planned. To evaluate this program, the interns used the Four-Level Training Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick’s. The four levels included 1- Reaction, 2- Learning, 3- Behavior and 4- Results . This model ensured objectivity from the interns when they analyzed the effectiveness and impact of the training. Based on the first level of measure, the trainees reacted positively to the facilitators. They interacted with the instructors at a personal level by asking and answering questions, participating in presentations and so on. Accordingly, the presentation of the program curriculum was convenient. In terms of Learning, the trainees had achieved a set of skills, knowledge and attitude. For instance, they were able to demonstrate crisis communication protocols, log keeping, situational awareness and so on. The demonstrations were convenient for the day-to-day crisis management situations. Behavior was another key area of assessment. During the training, the interns noted that the interns were more vigilant. For instance, the exit doors were free from obstructions such as litter bins. They also pushed their seats under the table to minimize hitches in the case of emergencies. Lastly, while the program is still underway, it has achieved some results. Aforementioned, the employees are practicing safety acts. The program’s processes are operational. Indeed, the Department prepared effectively, and currently managing the program well. Meanwhile, the Platform Communication Systems for the Military Vehicles program was achieving its objectives. Naik believes that project evaluation assists in determining whether the venture is fulfilling its aims . As such, the interns ascribed to that noble position. They established that communication between the teams was faster, richer and flexible with modern communication tools such as smart phones. Also, the project was convenient because the military is implementing communications revolution. Information exchange among the program teams is effective. They have leveraged IP technologies for virtual communication using other gadgets such as satellite, mobile and handheld radios and sensors among others. Despite the impressive communication developments, the project is not only costly but also complex. For instance, two teams of fourteen personnel manage its different activities. A project that runs different activities may make it impossible to get a clear image of its overall effectiveness. Nonetheless, the teams demonstrated top-notch professionalism in their undertakings. The interns found that they were never late to report to meetings and maintained integrity, especially with the tenders. There is hope for the program because it exploits the smart phone technology applications. The system design is that it is easy to install. It also has easy setup procedure for the crew to follow. With such apps, troops can control, analyze, and do other sophisticated security tasks anywhere. At the same time, their commanders can distribute crucial documents quicker. Generally, the two projects are running competently. In the seventh week, the interns and Follow Up Section will develop a feedback. The document will be submitted to the Admin and Projects Department. References Naik Pandu G. Training and Development: Text, Research, and Cases. New Delhi: Excel Books, 2007. Week 7 In the sixth week, the interns were required to evaluate the two main projects that had been carried out within the time frame of the internship. The projects were carried out within the Admin and Projects Department and they involved the Crisis management training and the development of a communication platform for the military vehicles. As such, the interns were fully occupied with evaluating the two projects with an in depth approach while applying much of the skills learned in the course and critical thinking skills developed in class. The evaluation established aspects such as the effectiveness and the implementation elements with a relation to the operations and the administrative approaches. This relative to the fact that, the department in question is tasked with evaluating the administrative characteristics of any project that the section is involved in. as such, for the people working under this department, it was crucial that they are able to establish the administrative and operational aspects of any projects that they are involved in, and by extension the department. In the seventh week, there were some very subtle developments that came with reference to the feedback on the two projects. With reference to the crisis management, the interns were able to establish that, for them to fully integrate the various aspects of the programs set out they needed some very crucial understanding of the basic components. One of the aspects that came out quite clearly is the fact that, there is need for proper planning for the project to go through. This forms the foundation of the crisis management programs at any given level. Ideally, it is always important for the persons managing the crisis to actually forecast some of the basic scenarios that can come up at each and every stage of the project. This helps the team to proactively plan ahead of time any elements of response within a given range of efforts. Secondly, there was the issue of training, which in the case helped the team of interns to make the correct responses to the various developments along the way. As such, one is able to respond to the various aspects of the project and even develop and implement any mitigation measures. It was also apparent that, in even that there is a crisis, it is always advisable to make sure that one seeks the counsel of experts in the field. With regard to the Platform Communication System for the Military vehicles, the project did achieve the perceived and the intended objectives. With reference to the project, the interns were able to leverage some of the communication protocols learnt in class. Aspects such as using the various communication tools were one of the key elements that came out strongly. The military is always ahead when it comes to the level of technology application and thus the project gave the interns a chance to implement a prototype project that would have significant impacts in the operations of the military and later on in the consumer markets. Interacting with the project also helped the interns to have a chance to interact with various technologies. Given the sensitivity of the project, the interns had the chance to interact with a complex project that enhanced their professionalism. Security and strategic study is a technical field that requires both the theoretical background and the practice aspect. This helps with the application of the information that is acquired in the field. Applying the theoretical aspects to the field is one of the most crucial learning points relative to the fact that there is a disparity between the two. The reports as such address the experiences that the interns had with the reference to what is taught in the classes and what the field has to offer. It is also important to indicate that, there is a crucial link between what is taught in class and what is experienced in the field. The experience creates a bridge between what is theoretical and what is applicable. Week 8: Final Report In your final report you assess the progress you made during your internship and you fill in again a SWOT analysis finishing the internship. It must cover the following points: 1. Summarize the work done by the organization and by you. 2. State the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. 3. What recommendations should be made to the organization? 4. Critical analyses of your own work 5. Evaluate the SWOT analysis you submitted in the beginning with the one you submitted at end. 6. What are your personal conclusions about the internship program in terms, which lessons are learned or what has been accomplished? 7. Which of the items/topics you examined in class where useful for the internship? 8. Explore and analyze the issues, problems and challenges you have faced during the internships and did you resolve them. 9. Relate report to Security and Strategic Study. 10. Add more if you think!! Note: Answer these questions but individually don’t put it in the report (Fill the Boxes). What Is Your Opinion Of Your Practice Area As A Learning Environment? A) Please State The Strengths. B) Please State Any Weaknesses. C) Are There Any Other Comments You Wish To Make? Please see Documents attachments!! 1- Personal SWOT-Analysis New " End of the internship " 2- Personal SWOT-Analysis Old " Beginning of the internship " 3- Develop Log 8 4- Make sure you avoid Professor previous comments: "Only one comment concerning using "I" all way long (The convention in much academic writing is to write with minimal reference to yourself as an author. The reason for this lies in a tradition of needing to present your work "objectively" rather than "subjectively" ) Do not hesitate to contact me if any questions or inquires occur later

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