International Terrorism Academic Essay


  • Provide a brief description of the group, and summarize its origins.
  • Explain the group’s major motivation(s) (beliefs or causes), and / or its justification for engaging in terrorism.
  • Describe the group’s major sources of both financial and non-financial support.
  • Evaluate the importance of the group’s use of media to aid in its terrorist activities. Indicate, at a minimum, the group’s purpose for using the media, the image being portrayed, and the preferred methods of communication.
  • Determine whether or not the group has a legitimate complaint or demand. Defend your response.
  • Determine whether or not the group and its activities are of importance to the U.S., and explain the key reasons that they are or are not significant.
  • Analyze the response of the U.S. to the group or its activities, regardless of whether or not either the group or its activities directly threaten or target the U.S. Determine whether or not that response has been effective. Support your answer with examples of such effectiveness—or the lack thereof.
  • Suggest the major changes you would make geared toward increasing the efficiency of the U.S.’s response to the group. Justify your response.



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