With regard to the case study organisation ‘Reardon’s Hotels’, complete the following:
- Identify the main reasons why Reardon’s Hotels choose to internationalise and discuss whichtype of MNCwould best suit the organisation.
- b) Recruitment and Selection
- Explain the main reasons for the internal recruitment of Hotel Manager for the new subsidiary in southern Spain
- Create a person specification,and suggest proper selection method(s) for the position of Hotel Manager. Justify your choice of selection method(s).
- c) Training and Development
- Devise a training and development strategy for the new position of Hotel Managerfor the new subsidiary in southern Spain and for the staff in the new hotel.
- Provide a rationale for each component of the strategy.
- d) Total Reward
- Design a total reward strategy for the new position of Hotel Managerspecifically,and the staff for the new subsidiary in southern Spain.
- Justify your choice of components included in, and excluded from, the total rewards package.
- e) Outline the potential difficulties Reardon’s Hotels may encounter when opening the new hotel in southern Spain, and suggest solutions to these difficulties.
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