Improvising Medicine book write a letter Academic Essay

Improvising Medicine book write a letter
Order Description
-Must Get an A+ because other papers were A+ as well. The writing doesn’t have to have difficult vocabulary. Just answer the question correctly.
-Suggestion; read/skim chapter 3 or 4. don’t have to read whole book

Short writing assignment #3 Due Monday, May 16th
Assignment: Imagine that you’re Dr. P, from Improving Medicine. As a member of a global community of health professionals, you often attend international conferences where you discuss medicine with fellow oncologists. At dinner after a particularly lively panel discussion during a recent
conference, you got into a discussion with Dr. L.—an oncologist from New York City. During that conversation, Dr. L argued that the social, economic, and cultural context of disease is unimportant. “Cancer is the same everywhere!” she insisted. “The only important issue to focus on is the disease itself!”
You left the discussions frustrated. You realized that Dr. L’s argument meant she simply would not be able to understand the differences between treating cancer in New York City and treating cancer in Botswana.
Now back in PMH oncology, you feel compelled to explain some of those differences to Dr. L. You sit down at your desk, and begin to compose a 1-2 page letter.
In that letter, choose at least two issues related to cancer treatment in Botswana that Dr. L would have misunderstood by ignoring the context of cancer in Botswana. As Dr. P, your goal in the letter
should be to convince Dr. L of the importance of understanding the social, cultural and economic context of cancer and cancer treatment.
As always, a successful paper will use specific examples from the text.
Paper guidelines:
-Use the normal format of a personal letter (i.e. “Dear Dr. L… Sincerely, Dr. P) -Type in 12pt, Times New Roman or Garamond font
-1 inch margins
-Number all pages
-Cite all quotations AND paraphrased text using the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number, like this: “The girls at al-Khatwa Secondary School contend with such struggles in very personal and everyday ways” (Adely 2012:17).
-Assignments are due at the beginning of class.

This the outline link:

This is the book online to use for references! (USE THOSE PAGE NUMBERS)

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