Impact of Political Shocks on Sectoral Level Variations in FDI in Oil Producing Nations. Academic Essay

  • Why political risk have different effect on different sector (strong theory, strong economic argument )
  • What is unique about oil producing nations, why not other country (why political risk affect oil producing nations and no other country) what is the logic behind it
  • Why political risk affect more oil producing nations than any type of natural resource( what is the theory, economic behind it, logic )
  • If each industry has different affect by political risk, what is the logic , theory behind it
  • Why I will do industry level, why political risk affect this industry in country which has 80% of their income depend in oil other 100%, what different, and why
  • Why should I look to sectoral level, why should sector been different than other, why one sector affect by political risk more than other sector
  • Why sector matter for political risk when it comes to FDI investment

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