IELTS May 2018: A Situation that made you Happy.

Situation that made you happy IELTS cue card.jpg

Describe a situation that happened to you recently and made you feel happy. Please say

– What was the situation?
– When and where did it take place?
– Who was there with you?


Now, any situation can make you feel happy. However, I strongly suggest that the situation should be closely related to your recent CAREER. If you’re a student, it can be about your recent grades or a sports achievement. If you’re an engineer, it can be a recent job interview or a project you completed. Let me offer the brainstorming points rather than dictating the answer.

You need to jot down some quick points in one minute and then present it in two minutes. Don’t waste this precious minute. I’ve written a few quick points.

What was the situation? first job interview; Google – the largest technology MNC.

When and where did it take place? New York; January 2018; Freshly graduated from college.

Who was there with you? My classmates and friends; also took interview; three of us selected the same day; grueling process – three phases; Enjoyed with friends; called parents; exciting party.

Followup Questions:

  • Do you agree that money is a source of happiness? Well, certainly, money brings joy and happiness in a person’s life.
  • What are your views on happiness? I think happiness is a mixture of several things. A person needs money to become happy. However, he needs the company of other humans to enjoy that money.
  • Do you think people can be happy because of their work? Of course, if a person loves his job, it is certainly a source of happiness. I, for instance, love my work at Google and feel happy and satisfied after a day’s work.
  • Where or how should people find happiness? I think people should find happiness in moments they spend with their friends, colleagues, clients, and family members.
  • What is better, to get happiness from money or from a good relationship? I guess both are equally important. A person needs an optimum mixture of both the get happiness.
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