identify a written article from the popular press (newspapers and magazines) which illustrates one or more of the concepts discussed about leadership impact in management Academic Essay

ach student is expected to identify a written article from the popular press (newspapers and magazines) which illustrates one or more of the concepts discussed about leadership impact in management. The student is asked to include a copy of the article if it is less than two 8.5 x 11 inch pages in length.

This written analysis should begin with a paragraph which notes the title of the article being summarized, the author’s or authors’ names, and the name of the publication in which the article was found. A brief restatement of the content of the article should then comprise the remainder of the first paragraph.

The second paragraph should describe how the content of the article relates to the topic at hand. Some sample questions that should be answered would be: What about this is important to business operations? Which of the concepts discussed in the course does this article illustrate? How does the situation described in the article relate to topics discussed within the course?

The final paragraph(s) should include a discussion of how the situation might be resolved (if it depicts a problem situation), how businesses might be better prepared for such situations in the future, or other “how to cope” advice as the author deems fit. If the article you read discusses a positive situation, explain how other firms might be able to utilize this strategy to improve their own performance.

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