How Im legend krippin Virus related to real life viruses Professor guide: This is a short 4 page paper wherein the student chooses a description of disease or disaster in popular literature or the press and evaluates the characterization of the disease according to scholarly and medical evidence and historical precedent. My guide: I want the paper to talk about the movie I’m Legend and how could it’s disease could be related to real life as described​ above. Dissertation Essay Help

How Im legend krippin Virus related to real life viruses

Professor guide: This is a short 4 page paper wherein the student chooses a description of disease or disaster in popular literature or the press and evaluates the characterization of the disease according to scholarly and medical evidence and historical precedent.

My guide: I want the paper to talk about the movie I’m Legend and how could it’s disease could be related to real life as described​ above.

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