Homelessness Dissertation Essay Help

Question N1 (One family, two incomes); Research the impact of women working outside the home Question: In what ways has the increased prevalence of women working outside the home impacted domestic
life, especially with regards to notions of the time crunch”? Things to consider: How has the family changed over the few six decades? As the family has changed, what social, cultural, and
political effects has it had on the family structure?
Question N 2 (Same-sex couples): Research the family life of same-sex couples before and after the legalization of homosexual marriage in Canada. Do these forms of families still face challenges
related to their sexual orientation? To answer this question you will need to answer: What are the political, legal, economic, social, and cultural struggles that culminated in the legalization of
homosexual marriage in Canada? Which of these struggles still remain and which were overcome? Finally, discuss the challenges to family life that still exist for same-sex couples by providing
details about why the struggles exist and how they are experienced.
Question 11) (Social construction of the family): Is the family a social construct? If so, how? To answer this question you will need to answer: What is a social construct? What are the main ideas,
concepts, or arguments of social constructionism? •Hint•- You could approach this paper by researching the various historical or cultural definitions of the family (who lives under one roof), the
associated defining family roles within the dwelling, and explain how these have changed across time or cultures within Canada. Another possible way to approach this would be to locus on gender
roles within the family.
Question N4 (Aboriginal history); Question: What socio structural/historical/personal factors have led to the disproportionate representation of Aboriginal women in one of these areas: domestic
violence, poverty or prostitution? To answer this question you will need to answer: What social/cultural history are Aboriginal women bringing into 2015? What structural, historical, or personal
factors currently exist that perpetuate the situation for Aboriginal women? In what way do they feed off each other to continue the cycle?

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