Health care Academic Essay

The access of patient to needed services is unfortunately not a guaranteed or certain thing. Many people, including the uninsured, undocumented immigrants, the under-insured, and others are left out of our health care delivery system. For persons who do not have ready access to available health care services, there are (often) systems of “safety-net” providers or facilities that provide health care services to this population. Organizations such as: (Community Health Centers, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, Critical Access Hospitals, Disproportionate Share Hospitals, Free Clinics). For your area, do any of these types of providers exist? If so, look up their websites or organizational information. What services are available for patients who utilize these services? How are the providers (organization) reimbursed? If no such services are in your area, then how do uninsured persons get needed health care services? What are the major barriers for these patients who lack insurance coverage (or other reasons for not accessing needed care)? • A three pages summary of the “safety-net” system in ( Atlanta, Georgia).

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