grant: someone who is qualified to evaluate students for pre and post test Academic Essay

grant: someone who is qualified to evaluate students for pre and post test

Order Description
Grant/Program Development Project
Each group will be expected to write a 10-15 page grant/program development proposal.
Each student group begins identifying possible proposals for their grant or developing a preliminary plan detailing stakeholders for the project to be developed. Students are to gather the data needed from the various stakeholders to ensure a well-developed plan process. If the project is a grant, the student group and community partner must decide whether to submit the Request for Proposal or developed proposal to the actual grantor or as a draft for the assignment.

This is my part of the paper
HeadStart Program-(My Community Partner)
Grant: Someone who is qualified to evaluate the students for a pre and post test.
1. Evaluation: how to make the services better, mandated meetings to implement recommendations for evaluation, how to evaluate the grant
2. Bibliography: for program development
3. Budget: find budgets for counseling services, contractors, supplies (testing)

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