Government Taxes
1: There are different kinds of taxes governments can levy. TX traditionally wants to promote businesses and so taxes are kept low, with very low spending. Do you agree with this? Also, other states believe that taxing the wealthy is the fairest way of making society run whereas others say everyone should pay the same. What do you think and why? What model would be best for Texas?
TX traditionally wants to promote businesses and so taxes are kept low, with very low spending.
The aim is to give consumers more post-tax money that can be used to purchase more goods and services at lower prices. In other words, the amount of tax that the rich pay does not hinder economic growth. If lower income earners get tax cuts, growth is expected to boost.
Also, other states believe that taxing the wealthy is the fairest way of making society run whereas others say everyone should pay the same. What do you think and why?
Most of the wealthy people are the owner of factors of production, so taxing them heavily will not affect them in anyway since the burden of tax will be passed to the poor consumers, by increase the prices of goods and services hence lowering demand of goods and services. At the same time reducing the purchasing power of the consumers. And this is going to reduce the amount of tax that the government collects hence lowering economic growth of the country. And for this reason it is a bad idea taxing the rich heavily.
What model would be best for Texas?
Regressive tax model
The overall tax burden is reduced with wages by a regressive tax. Taxpayers with low incomes bear a disproportionate share of the tax load, whereas taxpayers of medium to high income have comparatively lower tax burdens.
2: Evaluate the role of sin taxes. Do you agree with them or not? Would you support a $10.00 sin tax on any of the following? Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaping, fast food, going to a movie theater, cosmetics, plastic bags, or tanning salons?
3: Public policy is simply how things get done. Its the choices we make as a society. For instance, youve probably heard of the no pass/no play theory. This is public policy where academic scores were so low, but NCAA recruiting in TX was high, so they linked the two. Under this theory, if the student does not meet a Grade point average set by the legislature, then that student loses the chance to engage in an extra curricular activity. Is this appropriate? What if the student is not doing well in Math, but is expected to be a top draft pick in the NBA. Should we scuttle his dreams and future in order to achieve a minimum score? Why or why not? What are the consequences if we do or do not?
4: Should TX focus as much on the vocational programs in schools (auto shop, cosmetology, etc.) or should we put more of our focus on getting our math and science scores up? Why?