Globalization Argumentative Paper Academic Essay

Review the Writing Argumentative Essays section in Ch. 3 of Critical Thinking

Write an argumentative paper of no more than 750 words that demonstrates why globalization is good or not good for a business. The paper should define the term good, and should identify the premises and conclusions.

Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion. For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion), and so on.

  • Sentences labeled as “1, premise” are premises for the sentence labeled as “1, conclusion.”
  • All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels.
  • At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.

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