GLOBAL MARKETING ASSIGNMENT STRUCTURE; Identify a new international market for a particular brand of your choice. Accordingly, provide strategy recommendations for entering a foreign market based on the SWOT analysis of the company, as well as the internal and external factors of the company. A secondary research will be required to help you identify the factors (controllable elements and uncontrollable elements e.g. culture, regulations, consumers, competition, infrastructure, etc.) Please feel free to see me about any aspect of the project that is unclear to you, both before and as you proceed through the assignment.


The following is a sample structure and can be modified where necessary depending on the context of the chosen market area. The report should reflect and draw on the topics covered in class as much as possible.

Table of Contents:


This section involves an overview of your country market:

Provide an analysis or evaluation of the country market.

ii) Describe the characteristics of this country market in terms of size, historical trends, growth forecasts, etc.

iii) What are the different customer segments in this market? Consider the segmentation factors that can be considered including geographical segmentation, behavioural segmentation, demographic, and psychographic segmentation.

Provide an analysis of all the existing, emerging, and potential customer segments in this country market.

· Evaluate the competitive structure within the country market you are entering.: Direct or Indirect

What is the total number of competitors? Describe the competitive positions of the major competitors. Who are the leading competitors, who are the competitors that may be challenging, which competitors seem to be the followers, and which are the niche competitors? Why?

· Recent trends (e.g., economic, demographic, psychographic, others) have affected this market?

· Marketing opportunities the different trends in the market suggest?

· What are the cultural and legal differences that the company will have to consider?


· Based on your understanding of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, what do you think are the company’s firm specific advantage? what do you think are the company’s firm specific disadvantages that can be addressed or considered?

· Justify why these sources of advantage/capabilities are transferable to the chosen country market. Why do you think these advantages can be also used in the chosen market of entry and how will it benefit the company?


· Provide a recommendation for an entry strategy to the foreign country market.

· Describe your justification of your recommendation based on both the characteristics of the market and the source of transferable capabilities. Suggest the most suitable international organization structure that can be used in this chosen country market, and what are the advantages and disadvantages involved with the proposed structure?



In this section, you need develop a full marketing strategy for entry.

· Who is the suggested target segment?

· Propose a positioning statement.


· Development of recommendations for all the elements including:

– Market coverage strategy, and why?

– Provide suggestions so if the company needs to adapt or standardise its product in the new market and

why? How should they implement their packaging and labelling for the new market?

– What communication strategies should they consider specifically for this new market?

– What is the most applicable distribution strategy that they should consider for this new market? And why?

– Provide a full conclusion to this report considering your overall views of such opportunity and why you think the company should venture into this market opportunity and how it may enhance, strengthen or expand the brand.


The report should be within 1500-2000 words

Font: Times new roman, or Calibri

Font size: 10, 1.5 line spacing,

APA referencing style, ensure that your report is well structured and paragraphs well organized.

Justified report with a margin of 1.5 at least.

Provide a cover page with the university name, department, course name and code, section number, student names and student ID. As well as the lecturers name.

Provide an introduction paragraph (Introducing the report, what is it about, background info about the company and or the brand). And the purpose of the report. Please save your report as PDF, with your course name, section number and group number. Submission in Turn it In.

Reflective Assessment (Individual 5% Inclusive of the 20%) :

Reflect on the assessment using your own words. This part of the assessment shall help you reflect and gain understanding on which parts of the assessment you think you did well and why, and which parts you might have needed further understanding and why.

– Your overall review on the assignment and how did you generally do?

– What was challenging and how did you overcome those challenges?

– Which part of your work in the assessment you are most proud of? And which parts you could have done better? And why?

– How do you think this assessment will help you in your future endeavors (professionally and or personally), or in your future career as a marketing graduate and or specialist.

– This assessment is provided individually,

– Submission is in the E-learning, each student will provide their own reflective assessment.

– Please ensure you provide the university name and logo, course name and course code, student name and ID, Lecturer name and the name of the assignment.

Global marketing assignment structure

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