Geography and History of Ancient Civilizations

Geography and history played an instrumental role in the development and expansion of ancient civilizations. These factors were crucial in supporting agriculture, enabling people and cities to flourish. This paper critically analyzes the relationship between geography and history and how they supported the development of ancient cities such as Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Ancient Mesopotamia, also known as the land between the rivers, had fertile lands that were able to support the growth of crops. The fertile lands were also supported by seasonal rains, and people also used streams and rivers that used to flow from the mountains (Williams). Southern Mesopotamia was composed of wide and flat marshy areas and plains that made farming more habitable. Historical developments included routes that supported trade, leading to the achievement of civilization in terms of aesthetics, morals, scientific,, and literary factors.

The geography of ancient Egypt was composed of land that could be divided into two types, including the red land and black land. Black land was fertile since it was around the banks of the Nile, where agriculture was mainly practiced. The floodplains were also responsible for the historical development of Ancient Egypt (Riggs 32). Studies indicate that the geographical features such as the Mediterranean Sea to the north as well as the River Nile ensured that Ancient Egypt was protected from invaders. Furthermore, the Nile facilitated the transportation of people and building materials that were critical for development.

In conclusion, Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt are some of the ancient civilizations that managed to develop as a result of an appropriate relationship between their geographic features and historical aspects. The presence of fertile lands along the rivers in both regions was instrumental in the development of agriculture as well as the expansion of their ancient cities.


Riggs, Christina. Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction. 2014. New York: Oxford University Press.

Williams, Nadejda. The Greek World from the Bronze Age to the Roman Conquest. March 11, 2017. Web.

Ancient Civilizations
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