Food Allergies & Special Diets Academic Essay

Assignment Remit
You are required to write an essay on a contemporary issue or gastronomic trend of your choice. The choice of issue or trend must first be agreed and confirmed with the lecturer to ensure relevance and suitability. The topic can be chosen from, but is not restricted to, the list below.

“An evaluation of the extent to which (chosen trend/issue) has had an impact on the hospitality industry. Discuss how the industry is working towards developing awareness and meeting customers’ needs.

Some of the current trends you may wish to consider are:
• Food Provenance
• Locally Grown / Sourced
• Sustainability
• Nose to Tail / Root to Stalk
• Utilising more cost effective or unknown cuts and species
• Fast Casual
• Contemporary Cuisines
• Organic Foods
• Natural Ingredients
• Food Allergies & Special Diets
• Food waste in restaurants
You will be expected to carry out extensive research on your selected issue and reference all research appropriately according to UCB guidelines (see reference section in the UCB HE Student Handbook).

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