Financial planning Academic Essay

Financial planning

1.   Ben Collins plans to buy a house for $65,000. If that real estate property is expected to increase in

value 5 percent each year, what would its approximate value be seven years from now?

2.   At an annual interest rate of five percent, how long would it take for your savings to double?

3.   In the mid-1990s, selected automobiles had an average cost of $12,000. The average cost of those same

motor vehicles is now $20,000. What was the rate of increase for this item between the two time periods?

4.   A family spends $28,000 a year for living expenses. If prices increase by 4 percent a year for the next

three years, what amount will the family need for its living expenses?

5.   What would be the yearly earnings for a person with $6,000 in savings at an annual interest rate of 5.5


6.   Elaine Romberg prepares her own income tax return each year. A tax preparer would charge her $60 for

this service. Over a period of 10 years, how much does Elaine gain from preparing her own tax return?

Assumes she can earn 3 percent on her savings.

7.   Tran Lee plans to set aside $1,800 a year for the next six years, earning 4 percent.  What would be the

future value of this savings amount?

8.   If you borrow $8,000 with a 5 percent interest rate to be repaid in five equal payments at the end of

the next five years, what would be the amount of each payment? (Note: Use the present value of an annuity

table in the

Chapter 1 Appendix.)

9.   Based on the following data, compute the total assets, total liabilities, and net worth.

Liquid assets, $3,670                               Household assets, $89,890

Investment assets, $8,340                        Long-term liabilities, $76,230

Current liabilities, $2,670

10. Which of the following employee benefits has the greater value? Use the formula given in the “Financial

Planning Calculations” – “Tax-Equivalent Employee Benefits” box found in Chapter 2 to compare these

benefits. (Assume a 28 percent tax rate.)

A nontaxable pension contribution of $4,300 or the use of a company car with a taxable value of $6,325.

Problem Set 2

1.   Thomas Franklin arrived at the following tax information:

Gross salary, $46,660

Interest earnings, $225

Dividend income, $80

One personal exemption, $3,400

Itemized deductions, $7,820

Adjustments to income, $1,150

What amount would Thomas report as taxable income?

2.   What would be the net annual cost of the following checking account?

Monthly fee, $3.75; processing fee, 25 cents per check; checks written, an average of 22 a month.

3.   What would be the average tax rate for a person who paid taxes of $4,864.14 on a taxable income of


4.   A payday loan company charges 4 percent interest for a two-week period.  What would be the annual

interest rate from that company?

5.   What is the annual opportunity cost of a checking account that requires a $350 minimum balance to avoid

service charges? Assume an interest rate of 6.5 percent.

Problem Set 3

Louise McIntyre’s monthly gross income is $2,000. Her employer withholds $400 in federal, state, and local

income taxes and $160 in Social Security taxes per month. Louise contributes $80 per month for her IRA. Her

monthly credit payments for VISA, MasterCard, and Discover card are $35, $30, and $20, respectively. Her

monthly payment on an automobile loan is $285. What is Louise’s debt payments-to-income ratio? Is Louise

living within her means?

2.  Calculating Debt Payments – to – Income Ratio.  Suppose that your monthly net income is $2,400.  Your

monthly debt payments include your student loan payment, a gas credit card and they total $360.  What is

your debt payments – to – income ratio?

3.   Dave borrowed $500 for one year and paid $50 in interest. The bank charged him a $5 service charge.

A- What is the finance charge on this loan?

B-  Dave borrowed $500 on January 1, 2006, and paid it all back at once on December 31, 2006. What was

the APR?

C-  If Dave paid the $500 in 12 equal monthly payments, what is the APR?

4.     Calculating Simple Interest on a Loan.  Damon convinced his aunt to lend him $2,000 to purchase a

plasma digital TV.  She has agreed to charge only 6 % simple interest, and he has agreed to repay the loan

at the end of one

year.  How much interest will he pay for the year?

5.   After visiting several automobile dealerships, Richard Welch selects the car he wants. He likes its

$10,000 price, but financing through the dealer is no bargain. He has $2,000 cash for a down payment, so he

needs an $8,000 loan. In shopping at several banks for an installment loan, he learns that interest on most

automobile loans is quoted at add-on rates. That is, during the life of the loan, interest is paid on the

full amount borrowed even though a portion of the principal has been paid back. Richard borrows $8,000 for a

period of four years at an add-on interest rate of 11 percent.


a.   What is the total interest on Richard’s loan?

b.   What is the total cost of the car?

c.   What is the monthly payment?

d.   What is the annual percentage rate (APR)?

Problem Set 4

1.  Determining Profit or Loss from an Investment.  Three years ago, you purchased 150 shares of IBM stock

for $88 a share.  Today, you sold your IBM stock for $103 a share.  For this problem, ignore commissions

that would be charged to buy and sell your IBM shares.

a.  What is the amount of profit you earned on each share of IBM stock?

b.  What is the total amount of profit for your IBM investment?

2.  Calculating Rate of Return. Assume that at the beginning of the year, you purchase an investment for

$8,000 that pays $100 annual income. Also assume the investment’s value has decreased to $7,400 by the end

of the year.

What is the rate of return for this investment?

Is the rate of return a positive or negative number?

3.  Calculating Earnings Per Share, Price-Earnings Ratio, and Book Value. As a stockholder in Bozo Oil

Company, you receive its annual report. In the financial statements, the firm has reported assets of $9

million, liabilities of $5 million, after-tax earnings of $2 million, and 750,000 outstanding shares of

common stock.

a.   Calculate the earnings per share of Bozo Oil’s common stock.

b.   Assuming that a share of Bozo Oil’s common stock has a market value of $40, what is the firm’s price-

earnings ratio?

c.   Calculate the book value of a share of Bozo Oil’s common stock.

4.  Determining Interest and Approximate Bond Value. Assume that three years ago, you purchased a

corporate bond that pays 9.5 percent. The purchase price was $1,000. Also assume that three years     after

your bond investment, comparable bonds are paying 8 percent.

a.   What is the annual dollar amount of interest that you will receive from your bond investment?

b.   Assuming that comparable bonds are paying 8 percent, what is the approximate dollar price for which you

could sell your bond?

c.   In your own words, explain why your bond increased or decreased in value.

5.   Using Margin. Bill Campbell invested $4,000 and borrowed $4,000 to purchase shares in Wal-Mart. At the

time of investment, Wal-Mart was selling for $45 a share.

a.   If Bill paid $30 commission, how many shares could Bill buy if he used only his own money and did not

use margin?

b.   If Bill paid $50 commission, how many shares could Bill buy if he used his $4,000 and borrowed $4,000

on margin to buy Wal-Mart stock?

c.   Assuming that Bill did use margin, paid $90 commission to sell his stock, and sold his Wal-Mart stock

for $53, how much profit did he make on his Wal-Mart investment?

6.    Calculating yields. Assume you purchased a corporate bond at its current market price of $850 on

January 2, 2002. It pays 9 percent interest and it will mature on December 31, 2011, at which time the

corporation will pay you the face value of $1,000.

a.   Determine the current yield on your bond investment at the time of purchase.

b.   Determine the yield to maturity on your bond investment.


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