Financial Analysis Case Academic Essay

  1. Download the annual income statements, cash flow statement and balance sheets for the last three years from an internet source of your choice (i.e. Marketwatch, Investing businessweek, google finance, etc.). As well, you are to use the corporation website and compare the actual annual report to the internet source. If you choose certain sites like Marketwatch you should be able to directly import these three statements into Excel. (Google can show you how to do this.  Basically you import DATA from a website in Excel)
  2. Ultimately prepare and present an Excel spreadsheet of the income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet information for the three years in the format similar to your text examples (Global Corporation) and how it is presented online. Make this part of your appendix.
  3. For each of the three years of statements, compute and present the ratios you feel are important for your two corporations. Which ones you calculate are up to you, but if I feel you missed some of the most popular ratios, or some that are extremely important for their industry, you will lose marks. Valuation, Profitability, and Financial Strength should be considerations.  It is very import you don’t miss any important ratios.
  4. What is the overall market/economic trend over these three years? Are any of these companies outperforming the market? To do this use an index like the S&P/TSX for Canada (if you are doing Canadian companies) or S&P 500 if you are comparing American companies.  Calculate the average rate of return for the index over this thre year period, and compare the two companys’ stock price gain/loss to determine how well they performed compared to the overall stock market.
  5. Analyze the performance of each firm on the basis of the trend in ratios.
  6. Compare and contrast (in financial terms only) the two firms. Look at hard numbers, ratio trends, etc.
  7. What did you learn about the financial strength of each company? Which company seems to be better managed? Which would you invest in, and most importantly WHY?

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