Finance and Accounting Academic Essay

  1. Explain the risk faced by the fund manager, and how futures could be used to hedge it. (15 marks)
  2. Would June or September futures be most appropriate and why? (5 marks)
  3. How many futures should be bought or sold to hedge the position? Show your calculation. Use the appropriate tools to show an equation in your word processor. (5 marks)
  4. Confirm your result using the OSA (Option Scenario Analysis) function on Bloomberg. Show a screen cast of the function 32) Hedge position. What is the equivalent to the hedge ratio in the OSA function? (10 marks)
  5. Show and explain, using the functions 33) Scenario Matrix and 35) Multi-Asset Scenario, the effect of your hedge on the profit and loss of your portfolio in different market scenarios. Show screen casts of your results. (10 marks)
  6. Making reference to academic literature, discuss the use and limitations of the hedge ratio. (20 marks)
  7. Are there any additional risks and considerations to be taken into account when using futures to hedge a portfolio in a situation like this? Discuss, making reference to academic literature. (20 marks)



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