FEMAs all-hazards
You have been tasked with speaking to a local governing body. Your purpose is to convince them to adopt FEMAs all-hazards approach to emergency management, specifically as it relates to terrorism. You have decided that the best presentation mode would be to use a PowerPoint presentation.
Your presentation should at a minimum address the following items listed below.
- Explain the importance of emergency management within the framework of the homeland and national security structure.
- What political consequences might occur if an aggressive homeland security and national security plan was implemented?
- Briefly explain the all-hazards concept. Why should the all-hazards approach be considered for acts of terrorism?
- What are the potential risks of not incorporating an all-hazards approach into their community response plan?
- Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least eight but no more than 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. You must utilize either the Notes or Audio Narration feature of PowerPoint to include additional context and amplify the information for each slide.
FEMAs all-hazards
Slide 1: Introduction
- FEMA coordinates responses of major problems in the U.S.
- The outcome is overwhelmed local resources and state authority.
- FEMA needs an all-hazard approach to prevent and find solutions to hazards in the U.S.
- FEMA developed different plans to manage disasters.
- The all-hazard approach is a useful approach for FEMA, the federal government, and the
society at large in management of disasters.
Speaker Notes
The main aim of FEMA is coordination of responses of major problems that take place in the U.S. The
involvement of FEMA in the U.S’s activities has caused immense local resources and state authority.
Therefore, this has prompted FEMA to embrace an all-hazard approach that will help to prevent and
find solutions to any kind of hazard in the U.S. FEMA came up with different plans that help in the
management of disasters the society experiences to support people and ensure that there is reduced
property destruction.
FEMA uses a top-down approach method as its all-hazard approach method. Therefore, the federal
offices should develop a leading response plan for natural disasters. The All-hazard approach is
expected to be useful, but it faces challenges for FEMA
Slide 2: Importance of emergency management within the framework of the homeland and
national security structure
a) Building a National Culture of Preparedness
- There is a need for local communities to improve their emergency management
- It helps to create resilient and strong communities
- Homeland and national security structure supports communities to ensure there is self-sufficient
b) Responding during incident
- Homeland and national security ensures that communities have equipment, tools,
resources and guidance necessary for emergency management - Supports and promotes abilities of emergency responders
Speaker Notes
The U.S. strives for a future where disasters lead to less destruction and fewer disruptions in the communities. There is a need to ensure that local communities improve their emergency management for predictable natural occurrences. Creation of a resilient community and investing in mitigation measures can greatly help to minimize risks to local communities arising from economic disruptions, loss of lives, and restoring infrastructure. Homeland and national security structure supports communities to ensure there is self-sufficiency even before disasters occur (Homeland Security, 2022).
It also enables communities to rebuild resilient, stronger, and better infrastructure. Homeland and national security ensures that communities have equipment, tools, resources and guidance necessary for emergency management. It promotes and supports the ability of emergency response providers as well as relevant government officials to communicate in the event of emergencies such as acts of terrorism. Homeland and national security engages directly with the community leadership to offer support, offer critical resources, and coordinate federal response and recovery efforts. The coordinated approach to emergencies helps the Homeland and national security to apply its full scope of authority and operational capabilities to support affected communities.
FEMAs all-hazards
Slide 3: Importance of emergency management CONT’
a) Supporting outcome-driven community recovery
- Homeland and national security helps communities to rebuild stronger, minimize costs of
disasters, and decrease incidence of future risks - It also combines and organizes current disaster assistance programs
b) Training and exercising first responders
- -Local government and individuals are first responders in case of emergencies
- They help to stabilize situations and triage the incident
Speaker Notes
Emergency management encompasses the aftermath of hazards and communities may need long term national assistance for restoration of infrastructure, economic activities, housing, social services, and important government activities. Homeland and national security is combining and organizing current disaster assistance processes to minimize difficulty of support programs for survivors (Homeland Security, 2022). In addition, it works with all levels of government to develop outcome-driven recovery. The effective strategies for emergency management are supported by the federal government and are executed by immediate authority of a jurisdiction. When disasters occur, people and local government become first responders to triage the incidents and ensure that the situation is stabilized. Homeland and national security helps to build community initiatives that strengthen the local networks and strengthen practical skills of first responders until there is relief.
Slide 4: Political Consequences due to implementation of aggressive homeland security and
national security plan
- Increased threats from the enemies
- Lack of partnerships to defuse regional conflicts
- Weakened alliances to defeat global terrorism
Speaker Notes
Incorporating aggressive homeland security and national security plan can be detrimental to the U.S.
One, there may be increased threats from the enemies. This means that the country be subjected to
many threats from their enemies. Another political consequence is lack of partnerships to defuse
regional conflicts. State-to-state conflicts will not be solved effectively due to aggressive homeland
security and national security plan. Another political consequence is weakened alliances to defeat
global terrorism. Aggressive plans will make it hard for other countries to create alliances with the
FEMAs all-hazards
Slide 5: Explanation of all-hazards concept
- It is a comprehensive emergency preparedness framework
- It takes into account disasters and emergencies when planning for response or mitigation efforts
- All-hazards concept focuses on capabilities and capacities that are important for preparedness
- It involves internal emergencies and man-made emergencies or natural disasters
Speaker Notes
All-hazards approach can be defined as a comprehensive emergency preparedness structure that incorporates disasters and emergencies when planning for responses and mitigation efforts. Therefore, all-hazard concept means that focusing on all hazards rather than focusing on a single, more common, or most impactful event. The all-hazards concept ensures that there is a better overall preparedness that ensures the community and organizations can withstand any kind of disaster (Lubitz et al., 2008).
Slide 6: Primary advantage and disadvantage of all-hazards approach
- It addresses steps and resources needed before and after the occurrence of an emergency
- It helps to reduce injuries and destruction of property
- It ensures that there is a standard protocol
- Not all emergencies are the same. Therefore, some will need more management than others
Speaker Notes
The main advantage of an all-hazards concepts is that it addresses the steps and resources that should be taken before and after an emergency occurrence. It helps to reduce injuries to individuals and destruction of infrastructure and properties. Taking emergency preparedness is effective and helps to create a plan that ensures there is a standard protocol that should be followed in case of an emergency. The main disadvantage of an all-hazards concept is that all emergencies are not the same. There are some emergencies that will demand more management compared to others. However, it is important to note that the goal of all-hazards concept is not to plan the exact response for all the emergencies. All-hazards concepts ensures that there is a foundation of plans for all emergencies. These plans ought to be flexible and scaled for every emergency.
Slide 7: Why should the all-hazards approach be considered for acts of terrorism?
- All-hazards approach takes into account all hazards
- It also incorporates special needs of terrorism
- It ensures that resources are put in place to respond to acts of terrorism
- It ensures there are standard procedures
Speaker Notes
The all-hazards approach takes advantage of common capabilities required for treatment of any type of emergency or disaster. It also allows incorporation of special needs of terrorism. Considering all-hazards approach for acts of terrorism means that emergency management community will not repeat similar mistakes that were made before. It ensures that individuals, community leaders and the government is alert and that there are standard procedures that should be taken during acts of terrorism. These standard procedures should be flexible to allow room for changes if need be. The all-hazards ensures that both financial and human resources are put in place preparing for any terrorist attacks.
Slide 8: Potential risks of not incorporating an all-hazards approach into their community response plan?
Lack of incorporating an all-hazards approach into community response plan can lead to:
- Loss of life
- -Destruction of property
- -Disruption of businesses
- -Lack of preservation of the environment
- -Negative impact on the economy
Speaker Notes
All-hazards approach is a very critical response plan. It ensures that there is a foundation of plans for all emergencies. Lack of incorporating all-hazards approach can be catastrophic. One, it can lead to loss of lives of citizens. This is because the approach ensures that there is preservation of life. Two, it can lead to destruction of property. Properties and infrastructure will be destroyed if an all-hazards approach is not incorporated. Three, business will be disrupted in case of emergencies. The all-hazards approach helps to ensure that businesses are nor destroyed. In addition, the environment will be destroyed and the economy will be negatively affected.
FEMAs all-hazards
Slide 9: References
Homeland Security. (2022, February 23). Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience Retrieved from Homeland Security: https://www.dhs.gov/strengthen-preparedness-and-resilience
Lubitz, D. K., Beakley, J. E., & Patricelli, F. (2008). ‘All hazards approach’ to disaster management: the role of information and knowledge management, Boyd’s OODA Loop, and network-centricity. Disasters, 32(4), 561-58