Fashionable self Academic Essay

‘Presenting the fashionable self’: A critical analysis of a contemporary style icon, referencing sociological fashion theories of trend diffusion and identity construction.

Brief – ‘Presenting the fashionable self’: A critical analysis of a contemporary style icon, referencing sociological fashion theories of trend diffusion and identity construction.

During the lectures for this subject, you will have been introduced to a number of sociological theories that relate to fashion. These discuss various ways in which individuals use fashion to communicate ideas about themselves to others.
Clothing, accessories, make-up and even the way we stand or behave when dressed in certain garments, send a visual message to those around us. What are those messages saying? Why do we want to send these messages? How do those around us read the messages?
To better understand these ideas in action, this assignment requires you look at the messages sent by certain contemporary style icons.


There are plenty of images of each of these celebrities that show these individuals that project very different messages. Once you have selected your style icon – find THREE images that portray this person as different versions of themselves – e.g
David Beckham as super-star footballer / David Beckham as underwear model / David Beckham as doting father
From these images, analyse how the celebrity has presented themselves to the public. Look at the garments, accessories, hair & make-up, location, posture or pose of the person – what does this tell us about the character they are playing in this image?
For example:
David Beckham as super-star footballer = masculine powerful
David Beckham as underwear model = desirable idealized male beauty David Beckham as doting father = regular guy with a big heart
You must use at least ONE of the theories discussed in the lectures for this subject as you analyse your chosen style icon. Please include the three photos you have referenced for this assignment. These images must be labeled and captioned.


-**that just example the one that i choose is MADONNA:

-Madonna with her children
-Madonna as the producer
-Madonna as the singer
you need to do as the David Beckham example above but this with Madonna

NOTE: i will attach the theory that YOU NEED TO put on the essay. please write according to the theory too. so you need to learn the theory and put it on the essay



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