Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Essay Topic:
The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
1. Concentrate on what you have learned or how you have grown/changed.
2. Show how you overcame those barriers. How you excelled despite these challenges.
3. Show your ability to learn from your failures and mistakes. Devote significant space to the second half of the question–what was your response to failure, and how did you learn and grow from the experience?
Answer and explanation
My personal story
Suffering from acne – from 8th grade.
I feel helpless. When talking to people (friends, peers), I’m always conscious if they are maintaining eye contact or are they looking at the spots/blemishes my face. My other concern was if girls were thinking I was unattractive.
First I tried home remedies (honey & turmeric paste)- no results; Shopped on every Wal-Mart shelf, followed TV commercials, etc.- no result; then tried beauty parlors – no results.
However, I don’t let my moments of low self-esteem affect my academic performance or my participation in my club activities and community service. On the contrary, succeeding in these aspects gave me the comfort to soothe the pain and made me feel good about myself.
Finally, after research I found a dermatologist – now seeing results. In meeting with the dermatologist, I was offered the top gun treatments: Accutane and birth control. I had done adequate research before my appointment, & so I refused these options and opted for antibiotics and topical ointments. I’m getting better but still have occasional outbursts.
In following this skincare regimen requires discipline – antibiotics + night routine: wash my face with prescribed medications and apply topical ointments. Initially, I had rollercoaster moments especially on nights when I slept late due to school work. But, as I grew older I have become consistent. I have learnt that things cannot be accomplished overnight, it’s all a process.
Strong conclusion.
Persistence, as I kept moving from one remedy to the next, until I found what works for me.
In overcoming & still battling minor skirmishes with acne shows the perseverance, patience, strength to face challenges. These are my transferable skills that have become a part of me.