Evaluative argument Academic Essay

Evaluative argument

Paper details:

This essay is an evaluative argument, using what you’ve learned about writing evaluative arguments
to analyze and make an argument about Mountains Beyond Mountains.
This paper should be 3-4 pages long, use Times New Roman 12 point font, and be double-spaced. The
paper must include at least two outside sources, which should be valid sources according to the
Machine generated alternative text: explanation on valid sources offered through the Literacy Tutorial and the Purdue Owl
WÕÉ≠†Њ†ebsite (which you should have read for your last paper). Wikipedia and dictionaries are
never valid sources for a college level course. You must use in-text citations and a works cited page,
using MLA style citation.
Mountains Beyond Mountains explores the ways that cultural beliefs affect people’s recovery from
disease through medical treatment (for example, Paul Farmer wondered if there was a correlation
between his Haitian patients’ belief in sorcery as the cause of TB and their recovery from TB when
treated medically). What did Farmer and his medical team discover? Do you think that this discovery
might have broad applications elsewhere–in the U.S. or in other countries? Why or why not? Make an
analytical argument that explores this major theme of the book.
In the body of the paper, offer good reasons to support your own argument. Use topic sentences to
analyze and evaluate the merits or demerits of your argument. Offer details from the book and other
sources to back your position up.
Your primary focus should be analyzing this book but, in addition to the book, you must include at least
two different types of sources (example, a book and a newspaper article, or a magazine article and a
personal interview–sources must be valid, college-level sources) and must use MLA style citation,
both in-text and in a works cited page.
•Each essay must use specific evidence from the book and from at least two other sources for
support. This can include specific textual references (paraphrasing and summarizing) and/or quotes. If
you use quotes, the body paragraphs should have no more than two quotes to support your point and
analysis. Quotes should be introduced with your own words and be properly cited using MLA format.
Each body paragraph should begin and end with your ideas; thus, you need to clearly explain how the
quote(s) you chose to use support your ideas.
•Remember that a strong introduction includes a brief introduction of the topic and main points, as
well as a clear thesis that states the main idea of your essay.
•Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence, explanation of the ideas in the paragraph,
specific examples to support your explanation (the quotes will be at least part of your
example/examples), adequate explanation and analysis of all examples/evidence, and appropriate
closure/transitions to finish the paragraph.
Machine generated alternative text: •The conclusion should restate your thesis and provide a final observation on the topic.
•Your essay should have an original title that reflects your topic and argument.
•MLA format: MLA stands for Modern Language Association, which provides a format for English
papers to follow. The heading and the header are examples of the proper format for MLA style, which
you must follow for this essay. The font must be 12 point Times New Roman font. The margins for all
MLA formatted papers are one inch (top/bottom and left/right). Your essay should also include a Works
Cited page and in-text parenthetical citation. The Works Cited page should follow your essay.
•Remember to transition from idea to idea within paragraphs and from paragraph to paragraph
using transitional phrases/words, coordinating conjunctions (i.e. FANBOYS), subordinating
conjunctions, and prepositional phrases.

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