You are undertaking your pre-registration training across two hospital sites in a relatively local area. You spend Monday-Wednesday at ‘site one’ and Thursday-Friday at the other, ‘site two’.

You colleague in administration, JY, who works at site one, asks you for a ‘favour’ one day. Her father has been admitted to site two, and has had exploratory surgery because of symptoms of gastric pain, passing blood in the stools, and general loss of appetite and discomfort.

JY has asked the junior doctor to tell her what the diagnosis is but she has not had a satisfactory response, so the ‘favour’ JY wants to have from you is for you to read the notes on ward 6, where her father is a patient, and for you to let her know whether he has cancer or not.

What is your response to JY?Explain what ethical issues are relevant here, and justify your respons

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