Essay on Reflections on Health-Care Policy

Reflections on Health-Care Policy

Tosh |

April 11, 2018

Reflections on Health-Care Policy

For your journal entry, you will explore aspects of your personal experience and/or beliefs regarding significant public policies and what you have learned in your readings.  For this journal assignment review the following resources:

Rebecca Onie: What if our healthcare system kept us healthy? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Health Reform Hits Main Street: The YouToons Explain the New Health Law. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Illustrating Health Care Reform: How Health Insurance Coverage Will Work. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

As you reflect on these resources, please address the following questions:

What are the major current healthcare issues and policies in the United States today?
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – 2010?  How did this policy change the health care system in the United States?
Describe one strength and one weakness of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – 2010.
How are you affected by healthcare policies in the United States? If you are not affected, why not?
What were your thoughts on the healthcare system in the United States prior to this week’s readings?
How has your perspective been either reinforced or changed now that you are more informed?

The purpose of the journal activity is to allow you to thoroughly reflect upon what you have learned during this course, particularly this week, and to provide you with an opportunity to relate this what you have learned this week to your own experiences. The reflective journal is not a formal written assignment. However, you are expected to adhere to conventional rules of grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation while focusing on clearly conveying your thoughts.

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